Postgraduate opportunities The CdS relies on the collaboration of the Orientation Service, Placement and Job Orientation Services Sector of UniGe, Piazza della Nunziata 6, - (3rd floor) 16124 Genoa (email: CdS has entered into a framework agreement with the National Association of Experts in Cultural Heritage Diagnostics that provides access to the analytical facilities of the Departments included in the LM11 at restricted rates, up to 8 years from the date of graduation.The agreement, which was finally approved at the DISTAV Council meeting on May 7, 2018, stipulates access to useful diagnostic instrumentation active in the Departments afferent to the Degree (e.g., Optical Microscopy, Scanning Electronics with Microanalysis) at rates equal to those of research costs for graduates afferent to ANEDBC for the first 5 years after graduation and slightly higher in the following three years.The aim is to enable recent graduates to participate in calls and competitions strong with a high-level diagnostic package.