Evaluation The final graduation grade is the (rounded) sum of: of the weighted average of the grades in hundredths (with specific facilities if you are an internationally mobile student). of the evaluation of the thesis decided by the committee, normally between 0 and 6 points The following shall contribute to the committee's assessment: the grade in thirtieths awarded by the Committee of Experts the written dissertation the oral presentation of the thesis 0.5 points additional points(at the supervisor's suggestion) if you did your thesis abroad (international mobility) 0.5 points additional points if you have at least 3 praise 1 point additional if your work is considered excellent (possibly also for advanced mathematical content) N.B If you have taken exams as part of international mobility agreements, exceeding at least 50% of the CFUs indicated in the Learning Agreement, you can request the exclusion from the calculation of the final average of the lowest grades, corresponding at most to 2/3 of the CFUs obtained abroad. The final examination is passed if you have obtained a mark of no less than 66 out of 110. A distinction may be awarded by unanimous decision of the committee if you have obtained a final mark of 110 or above. For details, please consult the relevant Article of the Regulations.