Evaluation The graduation grade is expressed in one hundred and ten and is formed by the sum of two elements:the average of grades earned (weighted on course credits, without considering any supernumerary activities and praise)the increment assigned by the Committee:maximum of 3 points for the quality, completeness, and originality of the papermaximum of 3 points for the quality of the presentation of the exposition and mastery of the topic, also demonstrated by answering any questions from the committee1 point for periods of study abroad and recognized by the course of study The final test is passed if you obtained a grade of not less than 66 points out of 110. Honor may be awarded by unanimous opinion of the committee if you have achieved a final score greater than or equal to 110/ 110. If you achieve at least 113/110 points, the committee could increase your score by 1/3 (for each honors you got), so that you could be awarded honors on your final grade. The dignity of print is awarded to theses of special relevance and deserving of dissemination, regardless of your graduation grade.This award is given both to theses:projectual, in case there are innovative technical or formal proposalsof theoretical or experimental research, which have led to original contributionsIn the case, the supervisor must inform the chair of the graduation committee in advance (at least one week) by attaching a thesis paper. The committee shall decide unanimously on the granting of the dignity of printing..