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Admission requirements

You can enter this course if you have earned a bachelor's degree or equivalent (pre-doctoral degree, university diploma - 3 years, school directed for special purposes - 3 years), if you meet the curricular requirements, and if you pass the prerequisite check.

Did you get your degree abroad?

If you graduated abroad, you will have to take a proof of Italian language skills.

If you graduated in Italy, continue reading.

Specific requirements

For access to the Course, knowledge equivalent to that provided by the Bachelor's Degrees - Civil and Environmental Engineering Class (Class L-7 of DM 270/2004 and Class 8 of DM 509/1999) or of the five-year Degrees of the former system in Civil Engineering, Environmental and Territorial Engineering, and Construction Engineering is required.

To be eligible to enroll, therefore, you must meet the following curricular requirements:

  • a bachelor's, specialist or master's degree, as per DM 509/1999 or DM 270/2004, or a five-year degree (prior to DM 509/1999) or equivalent qualifications
  • at least 36 CFU, or equivalent knowledge, acquired in any university course (Bachelor's Degree, Specialist Degree, Master's Degree, University Master's Degree of first and second level) in the scientific-disciplinary fields indicated for the basic training activities in the subject areas of the three-year degrees of Class L-7 Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • at least 45 CFUs, or equivalent knowledge, acquired in any university course (Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree, Master's Degree, University Master's Degree of first and second level) in the scientific-disciplinary fields indicated for the characterizing educational activities in the subject areas Civil Engineering, Engineering for the Environment and the Territory of the three-year degrees pertaining to Class L-7 -Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Excellent knowledge of both oral and written English (level B2) with reference also to disciplinary vocabularies

The following UniGe degrees automatically fulfill the curricular requirements:

  • Civil and Environmental Engineering (class L-7)
  • .
  • Master's Degree in Building Engineering-Architecture (class 4S) and Single-Cycle Bachelor's Degree in Building Engineering-Architecture (LM-4)

If you have a degree from abroad, the curriculum committee will verify the presence of the knowledge equivalent to the industrial engineering class through the analysis of the academic title, CV and Transcript of records.


If you graduated from UniGe with a recent degree (former DM 509) and your degree meets the curricular requirements, you should directly log on to the Online Services.

If you are a UniGe graduate but your degree does not automatically meet the curricular requirements or you graduated from another university, you must:

  1. Link to the Online Service of UniGe
  2. Upload your career of studies (only for students from other universities), including the statement of exams taken with the indication, for each subject, of the disciplinary scientific sectors and the relevant CFUs for the verification of curricular requirements.
    . At this time you will have to choose the date on which you will present yourself for the Verification of Initial Preparation.
    N.B. Documentation must be uploaded within 10 days of the date you intend to attend.

The outcome of the verification of curricular requirements will be communicated to you prior to the scheduled date for Verification of Initial Readiness.

If you fail the verification of curricular requirements, you will not be able to take the initial preparation verification. In this case you will be suggested a "bridging career" to fill the highlighted curricular deficiencies.

If, on the other hand, you do not pass the initial preparation check, you will be able to take the test for a different Master's Degree or submit to a later test.

N.B.If your bachelor's degree grade is at least 9/10 of the maximum or earned a final grade corresponding to the "A" or "B" classification of the ECTS system, you will not have to take the initial preparation test.

You can take the initial preparation test even if you have not yet graduated, as long as you have already passed all exams and your career meets the curricular requirements.

In this case, after pre-registration, you need to log on to Unige's Online Services and choose the date on which you would like to take the initial preparation check.

N.B. Because you have not yet graduated, remember that you will not be able to take advantage of any exemption for the grade you earned.