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Enrollment in years beyond the first

Do you want to transfer from another university to continue studying at UniGe?

Read the notice, and its annex, to find out how to apply.

Find out the results by going to the site of the School of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences


Transfer from another university

If you intendto enrol for the first time at the University of Genoa in a health professions course and you come from another course at another university, you must:

  1. pre-register for the admission test to the course of your choice within the deadlines indicated in the admission announcements
  2. .
  3. pass the admission test and be successful in the competition (be in a useful position in the ranking for available places)
  4. .
  5. apply for the nulla osta (consent to transfer), to be submitted to the university of origin by sending an email to the Student Desk - Secretariats of reference
  6. submit a transfer application to the university of origin, attaching the authorisation obtained in Genoa
  7. .
  8. confirm enrolment at the University of Genoaby the deadline envisaged by the announcements
  9. .

If you wish to transfer to years after the first of a degree courseof the health professions at the University of Genoa, you must:

  1. apply according to the Notice of admission to a year following the first. The Notice sets out both the available places and the curricular requirements for admission.
  2. .
  3. If you are admitted following the publication of the ranking list, you must register through the confirmation of enrolment
  4. online procedure.
  5. Submit your transfer application to your home university, attaching the authorisation (if required) obtained by sending an email to Student Secretariats

Transfer to another university

In an open access course

Students enrolled at the University of Genoa who intend to transfer to another national university in an open access course must present transfer application
. The application is subject to payment of a transfer fee of €200 and a contribution of €16 payable by online procedure.
. The transfer application can be submitted from July onwards and within the deadlines for ordinary enrolment, in order not to incur late fees. The student must also meet the deadlines in force at the university of destination.


In a numbered course

Students wishing to transfer to another university for a course with a maximum number of places, must check the availability of places at the university of destination, which may issue the so-called nulla osta (consent to transfer); this document must be attached to the transfer application to be submitted as described above.
