Filling out the curriculum Period for compiling the study plan: from 16 September to 31 October 2024 N.B.The procedure for compiling the study plan is exclusively online (Online services). A PAPER PLAN must NOT be handed in to any office. Are you enrolled in the first year? Yes you must fill out the study plan. you must fill out the study plan. No, I am enrolled in a year following the first one Students enrolling for subsequent years MUST complete the study plan. PLEASE NOTE: Students in mobility to foreign universities must also submit their study plan online by the above deadline. Students enrolling for subsequent years MUST complete the study plan. PLEASE NOTE: Students in mobility to foreign universities must also submit their study plan online by the above deadline. Procedure for compiling the study plan: Standard plan (plan as per Study Manifesto) Log in to the Online Services and choose the "Standard Curriculum" option. Once you have viewed the study plan, and if necessary made your selection for electives or options, you must confirm your proposal. YOUR STUDY PLAN WILL BE VISIBLE IN YOUR CAREER FROM THE WEEK FOLLOWING COMPILATION. Log in to the Online Services and choose the "Standard Curriculum" option. Once you have viewed the study plan, and if necessary made your selection for electives or options, you must confirm your proposal. YOUR STUDY PLAN WILL BE VISIBLE IN YOUR CAREER FROM THE WEEK FOLLOWING COMPILATION. Individual plan Log in to the Online Services and choose the "individual study plan" option. The individual study plan procedure is provided according to the guidelines of the Programme THE INDIVIDUAL STUDY PLAN WILL BE VISIBLE IN THE CAREER IN ABOUT 30 DAYS AFTER APPROVAL BY THE COURSE OF STUDY. Log in to the Online Services and choose the "individual study plan" option. The individual study plan procedure is provided according to the guidelines of the Programme THE INDIVIDUAL STUDY PLAN WILL BE VISIBLE IN THE CAREER IN ABOUT 30 DAYS AFTER APPROVAL BY THE COURSE OF STUDY. Please consult the 'Study Manifesto' and the 'Didactic Regulations' of your course of study before filling in.