Once back Recognition of the activity carried out abroad When you return, hand over to Department or School Erasmus staff the documentation of exams taken abroad: the Transcript of Records (send a copy to the course coordinator) At this point the coordinator brings for approval by the Course Council: the recognition of your educational activity the number of CFUs recognized the conversion of grades Conversion of grades if the foreign university adheres to the EGRACONS (European Grade Conversion System) project, conversion of the grade into thirtieths will be done following the procedures of the European ECTS guide if the foreign university does not join the EGRACONS project but makes the necessary data available, the board will adopt the European ECTS guide otherwise, the council will convert grades following the Grade Conversion List The CCS has the authority to recognize as other activities or extra-curricular activities: exams reported on the Transcript of Records but not inserted in the Learning Agreement language certificates Registration of votes Exams recognized by the Board of Studies will be transcribed into your career by your student secretary/one-stop shop.