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What is

To be admitted to the final examination, you must have regularly attended the educational activities and earned the credits required by the regulations.

The final examination consists of the discussion of a theoretical and/or applied paper, carried out on a topic agreed upon with your supervisor.

The topic must be related to a teaching present in your syllabus and relevant to the interests, studies and experiences (e.g. internship, Erasmus) you have acquired during the three years.

The paper can be written in English but must be accompanied by an abstract in Italian.

You will have to demonstrate that you can develop your chosen topic independently, using appropriately the technical language of the relevant discipline to communicate clearly with specialist and non-specialist interlocutors.

The evaluation of the final exam will assess your ability to:

  • develop an independent paper
  • document and inform yourself properly
  • write the result of your work adequately and concisely, using the correct terms, citing sources and bibliography of reference
  • present your work to the committee
  • answer questions posed by the committee
