Evaluation The following contribute to determining the degree grade: average of the grades of the curricular examinations, including marks for internship activities (expressed in hundredths) points awarded for each distinction obtained in proficiency examinations (0.2 points per distinction, up to a maximum of 2 points) points awarded for duration of studies (0.5 points less for each repeated year, up to a maximum of -1.5) points awarded for any period of study abroad: 1 point for 2 months + 0.5 points for any extension, up to a maximum of 1.5 score achieved in the performance of the practical test (expressed in tenths). scores awarded by the degree committee in the discussion of the thesis (expressed in tenths) The Commission has a maximum of 10 points for: the paper of a theoretical-application-experimental nature the practical test the curriculum vitae (excluding points for praise and repeated years) The overall mark is rounded up or down to the nearest whole number.