Technical Directions. Electronic presentation The dissertation sessions will be held in classrooms equipped with video projectors, using a single computer equipped with an MS Windows operating system for the candidates' presentations, where possible. The presentation should be of a size compatible with the time available (suggested length approximately 12 slides) in order to illustrate the main aspects of the thesis work. Any further details may be developed during the discussion.. If you would like to use an electronic presentation during the discussion, you can test it 30 minutes before the start of the degree session. Graduation photo shoot For the conduct of photo shoots inside university buildings, please note the following: accredited professionals, must wear an identification badge with surname first name and/or company name of the company, issued by the University during each graduation session this is without prejudice to the students' right to bring, with them and under their own responsibility, another trusted cameraman, professional or otherwise, to film during the final examination, it being understood that the same cameraman is strictly forbidden to remain on the University premises to offer his services to other undergraduates and their families. the University guarantees exclusively the disciplined, regular and efficient conduct of the ceremonies for the awarding of degrees, any agreements between the operator and the student are free, the University remains extraneous to the contractual relationship between them and cannot be held responsible, under any title, for the effects of such agreements. . For further information please refer to the attachments and the link Attachments Document Regolamento della procedura di accreditamento per lo svolgimento di attività di riprese fotografiche e audiovisive Document Norme di condotta fotografi 2024 Document TABELLA B - OPERATORI ACCREDITATI