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For admission to the graduate examination, you must have completed all the credits required by the educational regulations of your degree program.

The undergraduate examination consists of the discussion, before a committee, of a thesis prepared under the guidance of one or more rapporteurs. The rapporteurs must include at least one faculty member from the Polytechnic School and/or the relevant department.

The thesis consists of a monographic, applied, theoretical and/or experimental study of the topics developed in your degree program.

In writing the thesis you will have to demonstrate:

  • your preparation
  • to use sources and bibliography correctly
  • knowledge of a language of the European Union, with technical-scientific terminology
  • to have critical ability
  • clarity in exposition.

You can write the thesis in English. However, in order to use another language of the European Union, you must ask for permission from the course council. In such cases, remember to accompany the paper with a title and ample summary in Italian.