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PhDs are postgraduate study and research pathways, with limited number of students, lasting three years.

To enter them you must take an entrance exam, the passing of which may also entitle you to a scholarship.

In some cases, places are available reserved for non-EU citizens residing abroad.

Ph.D. in Experimental Medicine

The Course of Doctoral Program in Experimental Medicine is divided into four curricula:

  • Biochemistry
    Reference: Prof.ssa Santina Bruzzone -
  • Pharmacology and Toxicology
    Referent: Prof. Ernesto Fedele -
  • Pharmacology and Toxicology
    in agreement with Maastricht University with double degree
    Referents: Prof. Ernesto Fedele, Prof. Jos Prickaerts
  • Molecular and Cellular Pathology of Aging-Related Diseases
    Referent: Prof. Cinzia Domenicotti -

Dottorato in Scienze e Tecnologia della Chimica e dei Materiali

Il corso di Dottorato in Scienze e Tecnologia della Chimica e dei Materiali è suddiviso in 5 curricula:

  • Scienze e Tecnologie Chimiche (STC)
  • Scienze Farmaceutiche, Alimentari e Cosmetologiche (SFAC)
  • Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali (STM)
  • Nanochemistry (NC)
  • Drug Discovery and Nanobiotechnologies (DDN)

Referente: Prof.ssa Renata Riva