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Tuition reductions by merit

If you have achieved the required qualification for enrollment in this course with the highest grades and:

  • you are enrolled full-time in a Bachelor, Master (5/6 years) or Master courses (with a study plan of at least 31 CFU)
  • you are in order with the payment of taxes

for the first year you will receive a reduction for the university contribution of 200 euros.

For the following years, you can get a reduction of:

  • 400 euros if you belong to the first merit band
  • 200 euros if you fall within the second band of merit

according to art.14 of the Regolamento contribuzione studentesca e benefici universitari.

N.B. The reduction in merit that matures during the last year of a bachelor's, master’s (5/6 years), or master's course can be used as a reduction for the first year of a possible enrolment in UniGe to a higher-level course.

You are excluded from the merit reduction if:

  • you have already obtained a total exemption from the University Contribution
  • you are enrolled or have been enrolled part-time in your final year of study
  • you are not in order with the payment of the contribution, even if previous
  • You have obtained scholarships from the regional agency for the right to university study
  • you are in one of these situations of incompatibility:
    • you have already been enrolled in a course of the same or higher level ("maximum grade" reduction)
    • you have already obtained a degree of the same or higher level (for the reduction "decili")
  • you enroll on the basis of agreements/conventions, also international

To obtain the reduction you do not have to submit any request, it will be applied ex officio.