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Essential information

What is it?

Erasmus+ for traineeship is an opportunity for students and graduates to complete a traineeship period in universities, public or private companies, training or research centres, in one of the participating states in the mobility program. It provides a grant to eligible students and graduates to help them make the most of the experience.


You are eligible to apply if:

  • you are regularly enrolled at UniGe
  • you are enrolled for single courses leading to admission to master’s degree courses (known as a carriera ponte)
  • you have the admission prerequisites for each exchange as established by the foreign Institution and by the individual departments of UniGe at the time the application is submitted

How long can you stay?

Your Erasmus can last from 2 to 12 months.

Have you had previous Erasmus mobility experiences?

As a UniGe student, you have the opportunity to undertake one or more Erasmus+ mobility.

The total period reserved for mobility is different according to the study cycle you are enrolled in:

  • I cycle - Bachelor's degree: 12 months maximum (360 days)
  • II cycle - Master's degree, 1st level Master: 12 months maximum (360 days)
  • Master's degree (5/6 years): 24 months maximum (720 days)
  • III cycle - Ph.D., specialization course, 2nd level master: 12 months maximum (360 days)

Before applying, you have to check that the residual amount of time remaining for another Erasmus+ mobility is at least 60 days.

For example, if you have already undertaken, in the same study cycle (Bachelor's degree), an Erasmus mobility of 5 months for study purposes and of 5 months for traineeship purposes (for a total of 10 months), you are allowed to apply and spend a maximum period of 2 months abroad, independently of the duration of the scholarship in the call.

Keep reading.

Partner institutions

Check the Erasmus manifesto to find the list of partner institutions in the Important documents section of this page.

Partner institutions (independent choice)

You may participate in the Erasmus+ traineeship program also with a partner institution of your choice. You will have to:

  • find the partner institution
  • find a responsible person among the teaching staff of your department
  • fill in the letter of intent, get it signed from the responsible person in UniGe and in the partner institution. Remember that it must be attached to the application form. Please, read the instructions in the Important documents section of this page

Keep in mind that the eligible partner institutions are:

  • higher education institutions holding an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education
  • any public or private organization active in the labor market or in areas such as education, training and youth
  • any non-profit organization or NGO
  • an organization for occupational guidance, professional advice or counseling services

You cannot choose as your destination:

  • EU institutions and other EU bodies including specialized agencies. The complete list is available at
  • organizations managing EU programs, such as National Agencies (to avoid possible conflicts of interest and/or double funding)

How to find an internship in Europe

Platforms and sites are available to locate a location independently, including:

  • is the place where interns and internships meet. You can have your profiles online, search for internships and apply. Visit the website and check the opportunities that can offer you
  • Stage4You, the right place if you are looking for an internship in Europe