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Essential information

What is it

The KA107 project allows you to obtain training credits abroad that are recognized in your country of origin.

The objectives of this project are:

  • promoting excellence in higher education
  • strengthen cross-cutting skills for job market integration
  • to improve the potential of new technologies
  • fostering social inclusion
  • to improve the quality of teaching and professional skills

N.B. The project is dedicated to students, but also to UniGe professors and staff. If you are a university student, you can do periods abroad as a student or as a trainee student.


To participate, you must:

  • be a community citizen or a non-community citizen
  • be regularly enrolled at the academic year 2018/19 at the time of application
  • be regularly enrolled in the academic year 2019/20 at the time of mobility (unless you have to graduate by 31/03/2020)

Other requirements are given in the table in Article 3.2 of the call for proposals.

You can't participate if:

  • you are already an Erasmus+ student
  • you are already a student for another type of community contribution
  • you carry out the KA107 in the same country as your residence
  • you spend more than 12 months abroad

Are you an extra EU student?

Keep reading.

Keep reading.

How long can you stay? 

The duration depends on the type of the mobility if you:

  • are going to study: from 3 to 12 months
  • are going for an internship: from 2 to 12 months
  • leave as a UniGe teacher or staff: from 5 days to 2 months (with a minimum of 8 hours of teaching per week)

N.B. The period may also change depending on your Course of study.


You can apply exclusively online, by sending your application to the International Activities for Teaching Sector by noon on 25 July 2019.

Than you can check the rankings on the dedicated page and in the News and events section of the course. Remember that if you do not accept within the indicated period, you will be considered a renouncer.