Essential information What is it AlmaLaurea is a public Interuniversity Consortium that includes many Italian universities, one of which is UniGe.The service was born in 1994 as a meeting point between teenagers, universities and companies, giving itself two important targets:collect information and evaluations from graduates to know their university career and employment statusmake available online the curricula of:recent graduates, to facilitate their entry into the world of workgraduates with many years of work experience, to facilitate the matching of supply and demand for qualified workFrom the experience of AlmaLaurea were created AlmaDiploma, an online portal connecting secondary schools, universities and the job market, and AlmaOrièntati, an orientation guidance for secondary school students about to graduate who need help in choosing their university course. The questionnaire The member universities of AlmaLaurea ask their undergraduates, through a questionnaire that guarantees privacy, to express an evaluation of the university experience they are about to conclude and to provide a series of personal curricular information. The data, aggregated and anonymous, are used by the MIUR (Ministero dell'Istruzione, Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca) for the evaluation of universities and by AlmaLaurea to carry out surveys on graduates. By filling in the questionnaire you contribute:to improve UniGeto help future students in their orientationto monitor how your job profile fits into the world of work According to the Academic Senate Resolution of 20.09.2006, if you are about to graduate or if you are about to obtain a postgraduate degree (master or PhD), you are obliged to fill in the questionnaire. To fill in the questionnaire you must have AlmaLaurea access credentials. Are you already enrolled in AlmaLaurea? No If this is your first time accessing the service, you have to sign in to the portal. If this is your first time accessing the service, you have to sign in to the portal. Yes If you are already enrolled in AlmaLaurea:Connect to AlmaLaureaAccess to your personal area with your AlmaLaurea credentials. If you have forgotten your Username or Password, you will find on the site all the instructions to retrieve themIn the My qualifications section select Add a qualificationFill in the Insert Title or Non-certified Study Experience sectionIn the section My titles you will activate the icon Fill in the questionnaireAt the end of the filling in process, please print the receipt that you will have to give to the Student Desk when you submit your degree application. If you are already enrolled in AlmaLaurea:Connect to AlmaLaureaAccess to your personal area with your AlmaLaurea credentials. If you have forgotten your Username or Password, you will find on the site all the instructions to retrieve themIn the My qualifications section select Add a qualificationFill in the Insert Title or Non-certified Study Experience sectionIn the section My titles you will activate the icon Fill in the questionnaireAt the end of the filling in process, please print the receipt that you will have to give to the Student Desk when you submit your degree application. Access problems If you have problems with your AlmaLaurea credentials you can:contact the free phone number 800720772write an e-mail to