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What work does a graduate in Health Care do?"

The health care assistant is a health worker in prevention, health promotion and education, according to the specific profile identified by Ministerial Decree 69 of 17/01/1997. The activity is aimed at the person, the family and the community and consists of identifying health needs and priorities for preventive, educational and recovery intervention.

The health care assistant is not concerned with curing or rehabilitating a sick person: his mission the maintenance of the health status of the person as a whole.
Specifically, he or she carries out his or her activities in the area of

  • prevention of infectious and chronic degenerative diseases
  • prevention of occupational injuries and diseases
  • maternal and child and family health protection
  • school health promotion
  • .

He also collaborates in the organization and operation of health and social services, serving as a network operator for hospital-territory integration.

What does a health care graduate not do?

A graduate in Health Care Nursing does not perform direct personal care nursing.

What kind of motivations do those who choose to major in Health Care have?"

Those who choose to graduate with a degree in Health Care should pursue the approach of the comprehensive well-being of the individual integrated into the community (One Health approach).

This approach aims to ensure the best level of health of individuals and the community while also considering environmental protection and animal health.

Where can I find a job with a degree in Health Care?"

Health care assistants can practice by working independently, in National Health Service facilities, private companies or institutes and foundations, as employees and/or freelancers.

In particular, he/she can find employment in the staff of the General and Health Management, Public Relations Offices, Prevention and Protection Services, Hospital Directorates, Corporate and Regional Epidemiological Services, Quality Services, e-health and Digital Health, Prevention Departments, Complex Facilities/Social Health District Services and those oriented to integrated social health activities for the elderly and people with disabilities in pediatric and adult age. 

In addition, the health care assistant may practice with general practitioners and/or pediatricians of free choice, in territorial psychiatric services, Family Counseling Centers, Addiction Services, Community Pediatrics, Diabetes Services, Medical Genetics Services, in the field of occupational medicine, in USMAFs (Maritime, Air and Border Health Offices) and in immigration centers.

Finally, he finds employment in nursing homes, assisted living facilities (RSAs), regional offices of the National Center for Disease Prevention and Control, prison health, and universities with academic activities (teaching and research).

What types of patients does a health care graduate work with?

The health care graduate works primarily with

  • people at all stages of life
  • workers

for prevention activities (primary, secondary, tertiary), health promotion and education.

In what public agencies can a graduate in health care work?

A graduate in health care can work in many public bodies: Ministry of Health, Higher Institute of Health, Regional Health Agencies, Local Health Boards, Hospital Boards, INAIL (National Institute for Insurance of Industrial Accidents), IRCSS (Institutes for Hospitalization and Scientific Care).

What outlets in the private sector does a graduate in Health Care have?"

The health care graduate can work as an employee in private health care institutions, RSAs, private specialty clinics, pharmacies and parapharmacies.
In addition, he/she may engage in freelance work by providing advice to educational institutions on health education and in private medical practices.

What advanced studies can a graduate in health care gain access to?"

A graduate in Health Care can continue his or her studies with the Master's degree program (LM/SNT4) and Level I Master's degree.

Subsequently, he/she can continue his/her studies by accessing Level II Master's degrees, Schools of Higher Education, PhDs, and Postgraduate courses.

How many chances does a graduate in Health Care have of finding a job?

The latest Alma Laurea report (Sept. 3, 2021) reports an employment rate in Italy one year after graduation of about 80 percent.

What career options does a graduate in Health Care have?

A graduate in Health Care can hold functional positions (Coordination, Organizational and Professional). He/she can, in addition, access managerial positions (of Simple Structure, Complex Structure, Socio-Health Directorates).