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What will you study

The Course has a duration of two years during which you will have to acquire 120 course credits (CFUs) (usually 60 per year).

The academic year is organized into two lecture periods, interspersed with about a month of teaching break: the first semester runs from October to mid-January and the second from February to June.

No curricula are provided.

The first year is devoted to compulsory teaching, which, in addition to lectures, includes many practical and laboratory activities. The aforementioned teachings consist of both advanced modules related to basic disciplines and modules with application value in the field of Naturalistic Land Management. At the end of the first year you will be able to choose the Curricular Internship (5 CFU) which is an important opportunity to direct your scientific training and gain experience in the professional field. You will be able to start preparing your thesis already having a portion of credits from the curriculum (8 CFUs).

In second year you will take five compulsory courses, and the rest of the time you will be able to devote yourself to the free-choice courses such as forensic botany, elements of geopedology, mycology, ethology, urban wildlife management (12 CFU total) and continue the preparation of the Dissertation, for which a significant portion of teaching credits are reserved (16 CFU). During the second year, you will attend seminars given by foreign faculty and present your Thesis in English in a seminar given by all undergraduates and aimed at students and faculty in the Department. You will then be able to improve your communication skills in English as well. and you will be able to constitute important opportunities to prepare yourself for possible employment opportunities, either in science or in the fields of natural resource management.

After graduation



Who is it?

  • Expert in the issues of bio- and/or geodiversity and conservation and management of natural environments according to national and international guidelines 
  • Researcher at university institutes, CNR, public or private research organizations and facilities
  • Curator of scientific-educational collections in Science Museums, Botanical Gardens and Germplasm Banks
  • Freelance consultant for environmental impact studies, impact assessments, monitoring of zoological and botanical components
  • Teacher in public or private compulsory school after appropriate courses provided by the current regulations

What does she do?

  • Functionalist in charge of bio- and/or geodiversity conservation in Public Entities (Region, ISPRA, ENEA, ARPA, National and Regional Park Authorities);
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  • Organizes and directs scientific-educational collections in Science Museums, Botanical Gardens and Germplasm Banks;
  • Conducts research activities at university institutes, CNR, public or private agencies and facilities;
  • Freelance consultant for environmental impact studies, impact assessments, monitoring of zoological and botanical components;
  • Analyzes and monitors the different levels of structural biodiversity of ecosystems and their conservation;
  • Identifies and studies species and communities for management, conservation and land-use planning purposes;
  • Evaluates the conservation status of habitats and species included in national laws and international directives;
  • Publishes thematic maps including through the use of GIS and related databases;
  • Fauna Technician in the Territorial Hunting Areas;
  • Teaches in public or private compulsory schools after appropriate pathways provided by current regulations;
  • Designs and directs national and international development programs in the field of conservation and management of areas of naturalistic interest;
  • Designs interventions with identification of methods and techniques for land management;
  • Collaborates in project coordination structures in the area of bio- and geo-conservation;
  • Develops nature education and communication programs;
  • Employs work activities included in the United Nations definition of "green jobs" (according to ILO- UNEP, 2008) which include cross-cutting activities in agriculture, manufacturing, administration, tourism and services, and research and development activities involved in  safeguarding or restoring environmental quality, particularly working in park authorities, protected areas, Natura 2000 network sites.

Are you interested in the freelance profession of Agronomist? Read the document carefully to learn more. 

Where do you work?

  • Research organizations that deal with issues pertaining to the natural sciences;
  • Agencies and administrations with responsibilities for planning, management and conservation of natural and environmental assets such as Protected Areas (parks, reserves, etc.), municipalities, provinces, regions, state agencies, Environmental Agencies, Basin Authorities, Territorial Hunting Areas, etc.);
  • Museums, Aquariums, Botanical Gardens and other institutions (public and private) that carry out communication and promotion of natural assets;
  • Public or private companies and professional firms working in different fields of environmental investigations, land planning and management, with particular regard to naturalistic aspects;
  • Environmental certification companies ;
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  • Hunting territorial areas (ATCs);
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  • Institutions of the Ministry of Environment and Land and Sea Protection, the Ministry of Arts and Culture, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • Organizations with an environmental character, non-governmental, governmental and intergovernmental;
  • Companies and orprofessional and industrial organizations working in the field of natural resource management, conservation and applications;
  • Working activities included in the definition of "green jobs" of the united nations  (according to ILO- UNEP, 2008) that include cross-sectoral activities in agriculture, manufacturing, administration, tourism and services,  and in research and development activities involved in the preservation or restoration of environmental quality, particularly working in park authorities, protected areas, Natura 2000 network sites.