✅ Degree Program Board Coordinator The Degree Program Board Coordinator (Coordinatore del Consiglio di Corso di Studio) is in charge of performing the duties assigned to her by the University Statute and by the University Didactic Regulation: coordinating the committees and the delegates of the Degree Program (DP) (Corso di Studio, CdS) calling the Degree Program Board (DPB) (Consiglio del Corso di Studi, CCS) approving the Annual Form (Scheda Unica Annuale, SUA-CdS), the Annual Monitoring Form (Scheda di Monitoraggio Annuale, SMA) and the Cyclic Re-examination Report (Rapporto Ciclico di Riesame, RCR) communicating the results of the activities carried out by the committees and the delegates of the DP Contacts Barbara Catania - barbara.catania@unige.it (Coordinator)Viviana Mascardi - viviana.mascardi@unige.it (Deputy Coordinator) ✅ Degree Program Quality Assurance Committee The DP is equipped with a Quality Assurance (QA) system to keep the management processes under control. The Quality Assurance Committee of the Degree Program (Commissione AQ di Corso di Studio) has the following responsibilities and duties: filling and updating the SUA-CdS by the deadline; analyzing and filling the SMA; writing the RCR and monitoring the progress of the proposed improvement activities; analyzing reports and requests from students, instructors, Technical and Administrative staff (TA) in accordance with the procedures established by the DPB and the University guidelines, in collaboration with the Delegate for reports and complaints (Delegato per le segnalazioni e i reclami); spreading the culture of training quality and self-assessment within the DP; analyzing the questionnaires for the evaluation of the didactic activity, the Almalaurea questionnaires, and other information sources (e.g. questionnaires from hosting institutions or companies); analyzing the report of the Joint School Committee (Commissione Paritetica di Scuola); defining the procedures related to the presentation of reports and complaints by students of the DP, also in collaboration with the Delegate for reports and complaints. Members of the committee Coordinator: Barbara Catania, barbara.catania@unige.it Deputy coordinator: Viviana Mascardi, viviana.mascardi@unige.it Person in charge for the Quality Assurance of the DIBRIS -Department, School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences section (Responsabile per l'Assicurazione della Qualità di Dipartimento, RAQ): Maura Cerioli, maura.cerioli@unige.it Representative DIBRIS in the Joint Committee of the School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences: Gianna Reggio, gianna.reggio@unige.it DPB instructor representatives: Filippo Ricca, filippo.ricca@unige.it; Matteo Dell'Amico, matteo.dellamico@unige.it TA representative: Elena Tortora, elena.tortora@unige.it ✅ Steering Committee The Steering Committee (Comitato di Indirizzo) has the following responsibilities and duties: expressing the needs coming from the society and from the worlds of work and culture; providing opinions on the coherence of the study program as a whole and of specific training activities with respect to the training requests; promoting collaborations regarding internship activities, orientation, and support for graduates tailored to their entrance into the world of work; promoting the link between university, school, and companies to better understand the expectations of young people and facilitate their entrance into the world of work. Members of the committee Representatives of companies Liguria Digitale: Mauro Giaccardi, m.giaccardi@liguriadigitale.it Leonardo: Annamaria Scotto, annamaria.scotto@leonardo.com FOS: Federico Boero, Federico.Boero@fos.it Aitek: Massimo Massa, mmassa@aitek.it NTT data: Isabella Merlo, Isabella.Merlo@nttdata.comRepresentatives of local authorities Città Metropolitana: Luigina Renzi, luigina.renzi@cittametropolitana.genova.itRepresentatives of research centers CNR: Roberto Scopigno, r.scopigno@isti.cnr.it IIT: Stefano Bencetti, stefano.bencetti@iit.it IIT: Alessandra Sciutti, alessandra.sciutti@iit.itRepresentatives of the world of education National representative: Tullio Vardanega, tullio.vardanega@unipd.it High schools representative: Guido Massone, guido.massone@davigonicoloso.edu.it Technical institutes representative: Vilma Filippone, vilma.filippone@calvino.edu.itRepresentatives of alumni abroad Universities: Davide Buscaldi, davide.buscaldi@lipn.univ-paris13.fr Companies: Mauro Giusti, mauro.giusti@live.comDPB representatives DPB Coordinator: Barbara Catania, barbara.catania@unige.it DPB Deputy Coordinator: Viviana Mascardi, viviana.mascardi@unige.it Point of contact for the INF/01 sector: Francesca Odone, francesca.odone@unige.it Coordinator of the PhD Program in Computer Science and Systems Engineering: Giorgio Delzanno, giorgio.delzanno@unige.it Point of contact for the Promotion, Orientation and Tutoring Committee: Giovanna Guerrini, giovanna.guerrini@unige.it Person in charge for the Quality Assurance of the DIBRIS Department, School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences section: Maura Cerioli, maura.cerioli@unige.it Representative of the INF/01 professors in the Teaching Planning Committee: Davide Ancona, davide.ancona@unige.it Representative of the INF/01 professors in the Teaching Planning Committee: Matteo Dell'Amico, matteo.dellamico@unige.it Representative of the INF/01 professors in the Teaching Planning Committee: Enrico Puppo, enrico.puppo@unige.it Representative of the INF/01 professors in the Teaching Planning Committee: Alessandro Verri, alessandro.verri@unige.it Delegate for the traineeships: Filippo Ricca, filippo.ricca@unige.it ✅ Didactic Planning Committee The Didactic Planning Committee (Commissione Programmazione Didattica, CPD) has the following responsibilities and duties: reviewing on a periodical basis the training program based on data and indications deriving from monitoring activities; organizing the implementation of the training program, also taking into account the need of academic bodies and services; verifying the adequacy of ECTS credits (Crediti Formativi Universitari, CFU) with respect to the teaching load and their temporal organization, also in collaboration with the Working Group for the organization of tutoring (Gruppo di lavoro per il tutorato) and the Working Group for the organization of the didactic activity in each term (Gruppo di lavoro per l'organizzazione della didattica semestrale); identifying actions to promote the internationalization of the DP through promotional activities abroad and the mobility of instructors, in collaboration with the Delegate for the internationalization (Delegato all'internazionalizzazione); reviewing on a periodical basis the requirements for the admission to the Master of Science in Computer Science, in collaboration with the Working group for admission to the Master Degree (Gruppo di lavoro per l'ammissione alla Laurea Magistrale in Computer Science); reviewing on a periodical basis the procedures for the intermediate and final examinations, in collaboration with the Delegates for the final examination (Delegati per le prove finali); harmonizing the programs of training activities; checking the completeness of the information in the teaching sheets; verifying the adequacy of the teaching facilities and student services, also in collaboration with the Delegate for reports and complaints (Delegato per le segnalazioni e i reclami). Members of the committee Coordinator: Barbara Catania, barbara.catania@unige.it Deputy coordinator: Viviana Mascardi, viviana.mascardi@unige.it Point of contact for the INF/01 sector: Francesca Odone, francesca.odone@unige.it Coordinator of the PhD Program in Computer Science and Systems Engineering: Giorgio Delzanno, giorgio.delzanno@unige.it Point of contact for the Promotion, Orientation and Tutoring Committee: Giovanna Guerrini, giovanna.guerrini@unige.it Person in charge for the Quality Assurance of DIBRIS - School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences section: Maura Cerioli, maura.cerioli@unige.it Representatives of the INF/01 instructors: Alessandro Verri, alessandro.verri@unige.it; Enrico Puppo, enrico.puppo@unige.it; Davide Ancona, davide.ancona@unige.it; Matteo Dell'Amico, matteo.dellamico@unige.it Representatives of the MAT instructors: Fabio Di Benedetto, dibenede@dima.unige.it; Riccardo Camerlo, camerlo@dima.unige.it ✅ Promotion, Orientation and Tutoring Committee The Promotion, Orientation and Tutoring Committee (Commissione Promozione, Orientamento e Tutorato, CPOT) has the following responsibilities and duties: organizing the promotional activities of the DP towards the outside; organizing activities of ingoing orientation with schools and courses for transversal skills and orientation, in collaboration with the Delegate for orientation activities of DIBRIS (Delegato orientamento di Dipartimento) or inside the School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences(Delegato orientamento di Scuola) and with the University Orientation Office (Settore Orientamento dell’Ateneo); coordinating reception tutoring and teaching tutoring activities also in collaboration with the Working group for the tutoring (Gruppo di lavoro per il tutorato); organizing activities to promote outgoing orientation, with respect to the next levels of study and to the world of work, also in collaboration with the Delegate for traineeships (Delegato ai tirocini). Members of the committee Giovanna Guerrini, giovanna.guerrini@unige.it Manuela Chessa, manuela.chessa@unige.it Giorgio Delzanno, giorgio.delzanno@unige.it Angelo Ferrando, angelo.ferrando@unige.it Nicoletta Noceti, nicoletta.noceti@unige.it Francesca Odone, francesca.odone@unige.it Marina Ribaudo, marina.ribaudo@unige.it Gianna Reggio, gianna.reggio@unige.it Daniele D'Agostino, daniele.dagostino@unige.it [outgoing orientation] ✅ Delegates Delegate for calendars and spaces organizing the timetable and the location of classes as well as thetimetable of exams, in order to avoid overlaps; verifying that classrooms are correctly set up at the beginning of each semester. Alessandro Verri, alessandro.verri@unige.it Delegate for the Bachelor Degree final dissertation proposing the schedule and the committees for the final examination; verifying compliance with the mandatory requirements for students to be admitted to the final examination; collaborating with the DIBRIS Didactic Office (Ufficio Didattica DIBRIS) for organizing the timetable and the location of the final exam presentations. Stefano Rovetta, stefano.rovetta@unige.it Delegates for traineeships managing the proposals for traineeship and stage activities. Filippo Ricca, filippo.ricca@unige.it Delegate for the Bachelor Degree study plans verifying the suitability of the study plans presented by Bachelor DP students and takes care of the procedures related to thetransfer from other degrees. Elena Zucca, elena.zucca@unige.it + [Davide Ancona, davide.ancona@unige.it] Delegate for the Master Degree study plans verifying the suitability of the study plans presented by Master DP students. Viviana Mascardi, viviana.mascardi@unige.it Delegate for the communication disseminating news of interest to students on the institutional and social channels identified by the DPB; updating and checking the information on the Study Program website; checking that the transparency requirements are satisfied. Annalisa Barla, annalisa.barla@unige.it Delegate for welcoming foreign students providing first-level information concerning the DP to foreign students; forwarding foreign students to the offices in charge of topics outside the DPB area of competence. Nicoletta Noceti, nicoletta.noceti@unige.it Delegate for the admission test of the Bachelor Degree contributing to the organization of activities for clearing the Additional Educational Obligations (Obblighi Formativi Aggiuntivi, OFA), within the admission test committee of the School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences. Eugenio Moggi, eugenio.moggi@unige.it Delegate for reports and complaints applying the procedures for collecting and managing reports and complaints on topics in the DPB area of competence; forwarding students to the offices in charge of topics, object of reports and complaints, outside the DPB area of competence. Marina Ribaudo - marina.ribaudo@unige.it The email addresses for reports and complaints are: for the Bachelor in Computer Science: report-informatica@dibris.unige.it for the Master of Science in Computer Science: report-computerscience@dibris.unige.it ✅ Working groups Working group for the tutoring Responsibilities and duties: following students enrolled in the first year; monitoring students that are either inactive or outside prescribed time, and dropouts; promoting projects for reception and support of just enrolled first year students together with other DPs of the School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences; cooperating with the Committee for the Promotion, Orientation and Tutoring to coordinate the welcoming tutors and the teaching tutors. Members of the working group: instructors of I semester I year courses for the Bachelor Degree + instructors of I semester I year courses for the Master Degree + point of contact of the Committee for the Promotion, Orientation and Tutoring Working group for the organization of didactic activities in each term Responsibilities and duties: coordinating the organization of teaching activities in one year and one semester of the course, for each DP. Members of the working group: Maura Cerioli - maura.cerioli@unige.it Matteo Dell'amico - matteo.dellamico@unige.it Giovanna Guerrini - giovanna.guerrini@unige.it Nicoletta Noceti - nicoletta.noceti@unige.it Alessandro Verri - alessandro.verri@unige.it Working group for admission to the Master Degree organizing and applying the processes to verify the adequacy of the personal preparation of students that apply to the Master Degree Program. Members of the working group: Eugenio Moggi, eugenio.moggi@unige.it Maura Cerioli - maura.cerioli@unige.it Giovanna Guerrini - giovanna.guerrini@unige.it Nicoletta Noceti - nicoletta.noceti@unige.it Working group for the Master Degree final dissertation proposing the schedule and the committees for the final examination; verifying compliance with the mandatory requirements for students to be admitted to the final examination; collaborating with the DIBRIS Teaching Support Office (Ufficio Didattica DIBRIS) for organizing the timetable and the location of the final exam presentations. Gianna Reggio - gianna.reggio@unige.it Francesca Odone - francesca.odone@unige.it Giovanna Guerrini - giovanna.guerrini@unige.it Marina Ribaudo - marina.ribaudo@unige.it Working group for internationalization promoting and coordinating the mobility of outgoing and incoming students through the Erasmus+ program or other international programs; promoting the internationalization of the DP through promotional activities abroad and through the mobility of instructors. Manuela Chessa, manuela.chessa@unige.it Matteo Dell'Amico - matteo.dellamico@unige.it Arnaud Sangnier - arnaud.sangnier@unige.it Working group for diversity and inclusion promoting inclusion and countering all forms of discrimination, direct or indirect, within the DPs Barbara Catania - barbara.catania@unige.it Giovanna Guerrini - giovanna.guerrini@unige.it Francesca Odone - francesca.odone@unige.it Viviana Mascardi - viviana.mascardi@unige.it Alessandro Verri - alessandro.verri@unige.it Davide Ancona - davide.ancona@unige.it ✅ Responsible for the Quality Assurance of the Department (RAQ) Maura Cerioli, maura.cerioli@unige.it - RAQ DIBRIS - School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences