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Academic Senate

This is UniGe's governing body with political and didactic guidance: you can contact us to resolve issues of university policy and space management in the university.

What does it do?

The most important functions are:

  • establish and amend regulations
  • provide opinions to the Board of Directors
  • .
  • provide an opinion on the budget and financial management
  • manage the educational offer of UniGe


Student Representatives in the Academic Senate -

Board of Directors

This is the university's governing body for political and financial guidance: you can contact us for general issues regarding the student contribution system and the management of UniGe's spaces/facilities.

What does it do?

The most important decisions concern:

  • approval of the budget
  • forecasting future expenditure
  • use of financial and personnel resources
  • .
  • determination of taxes and benefits


Student Representatives on the Board of Directors -