School Council We take care of the management of the facilities and the departments that are part of it. You can contact us for problems concerning evaluation questionnaires, classroom and space management. What does it do? The School Council deals with: facilities and services training offer management costs examination of course and teaching evaluation forms approval of certain departmental decisions Representatives Alessia Cortese - Elisabetta Cutri' - Angela Villani - Joint Commission for Education and the Right to Study The Joint Commission for Teaching and the Right to Study (CPDS) is established in each School of the University as a body to monitor the organisation and performance of teaching, tutoring and any other service provided to students. What does it do? The CPDS is mainly concerned with: formulating proposals aimed at improving the performance of teaching. drawing up an annual report on the effectiveness of teaching, tutoring and any other service provided to students. The report is forwarded to the Dean and to the competent teaching structures, which receive it and, taking it into due account, take steps to draw up proposals for the improvement of the relative activities. formulate opinions on the activation, deactivation and suppression of study courses. report to the Dean, the Coordinator of the Course Council and the Director of the Department to which the Course of Study is assigned, any anomalies found in the performance of teaching activities Representatives Membership of the Social Sciences School Joint Commission