Course Council This is the body that can help you solve problems in your course. You can contact us for problems concerning the organisation of your course and teaching. What does it do? The most important functions concern: mediating the relationship between students and teachers approving student files (study plan, recognition of Erasmus exams, transitions and transfers) evaluate the educational offer approve curricular and extracurricular activities (events, placements, conferences) Representatives Julia Costa - Manuel Perasso - Giacomo Pizzetti - Department Council The Department Council is the body in which decisions are made regarding the activities carried out by the Department. You can contact us for questions relating to the organisation of teaching and research. What does it do? The Department Council is responsible for approving: internal economic issues student practices (recognition of Erasmus examinations, requests for early graduation). training offer examination and graduation sessions research projects Representatives Alice Federici - Iacopo Gentile - Sofia Diletta Macciò - Alice Capobianco (PhD student) - Bianca Romano (postgraduate student) -