CODE 94669 ACADEMIC YEAR 2021/2022 CREDITS 5 cfu anno 2 ENGINEERING FOR NATURAL RISK MANAGEMENT 10553 (LM-26) - SAVONA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR ING-IND/33 LANGUAGE English TEACHING LOCATION SAVONA SEMESTER 2° Semester TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW 94669 – CRITICAL ENERGY INFRASTRUCTURES MODELLING AND SIMULATION Scientific domain: ING-IND/33 Electrical Power Systems European Credit Transfer System Credits (ECTS): 5 Year: Second year of the M.Sc. in Engineering for Natural Risk Management Lessons schedule: according to Polytechnic School timetable Lecturer: STEFANO BRACCO AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The course is focused on the modelling and simulation of critical energy infrastructures, such as smart grids, electricity production plants, electrical storage systems and transmission lines, considering also electrical system faults; the planning and the operation of the aforementioned energy infrastructures composed of different interconnected systems will be analyzed and the main characteristics of the electric system will be discussed. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The main purpose of the course is to provide contents in the field of power systems engineering and, in particular, in the sector of critical energy infrastructures. Students will acquire skills to develop technical and economic analyses, and simulation/optimization models of complex energy infrastructures. Competences on smart grids/microgrids/nanogrids, electrical storage systems and electric mobility will be also acquired. PREREQUISITES Knowledge of power systems and energy systems. Knowledge of mathematical analysis and systems theory. TEACHING METHODS The course is based on theoretical lectures, solution of case problems and computer aided exercises (using Matlab, Simulink, Yalmip, Homer). SYLLABUS/CONTENT - The Italian and European electric system (production, transmission, distribution): technical and legislative aspects ("Clean Energy for all Europeans” package of the European Commission) - Local Energy Communities (Renewable Energy Directive (REDII) 2018/2001/EU, Electricity Market Directive (EMD II) 20019/944/EU, etc.) - Elements of energy markets - Reliability and vulnerability of electrical networks, elements of electrical safety - Smart grids/microgrids/nanogrids: technical, economic and environmental aspects, the Smart Polygeneration Microgrid of the Savona Campus - Electrical storage systems - Electric mobility systems (electric vehicles and charging infrastructures, V2X technologies) - Simulation models of power plants and storage systems - Optimization models for planning and management of distributed generation systems and smart grids/microgrids/nanogrids RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Lecture notes. Books and papers suggested by the lecturer. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD STEFANO BRACCO Ricevimento: By appointment via email or phone. Contact details: Stefano Bracco, DITEN, tel. +39-01921945123, mob. +39-3357917372, e-mail: Exam Board STEFANO BRACCO (President) ANDREA BONFIGLIO RENATO PROCOPIO (President Substitute) LESSONS LESSONS START Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Oral exam during which students will answer theroretical questions and solve numerical exercises. ASSESSMENT METHODS Evaluation of the acquisition of practical and theoretical competences in the critical energy infrastructure sector. Assessment of skills in developing optimization and simulation models in the aforesaid sector. Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 11/01/2022 09:30 SAVONA Orale 26/01/2022 09:30 SAVONA Orale 15/02/2022 09:30 SAVONA Orale 08/06/2022 09:30 SAVONA Orale 22/06/2022 09:30 SAVONA Orale 06/07/2022 09:30 SAVONA Orale 20/07/2022 09:30 SAVONA Orale 08/09/2022 09:30 SAVONA Orale FURTHER INFORMATION Students have to install Matlab/Simulink/Simscape software on their computer in order to follow lessons.