CODE 98817 ACADEMIC YEAR 2021/2022 CREDITS 2.5 cfu anno 2 MEDICAL-PHARMACEUTICAL BIOTECHNOLOGY 10598 (LM-9) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR CHIM/09 LANGUAGE English TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 2° Semester TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW Drug metabolism is a very important step belonging to rational drug design and it consists of two types of metabolic reactions: phase 1 and phase 2. Together with absorption, distribution and excretion they represent an obstacle to drug bioavailability. The course is composed of paragraphs dealing with metabolic reactions on known drugs on the market, factors affecting drugs metabolism and main enzymes involved in this physiological process. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The course provides the students with the basic concepts of the metabolism of drugs and other xenobiotics. Besides describing the main Phase 1 and 2 reactions involved, the course deal with the latest in vivo and in vitro technologies used to study drug metabolism, as well as the main enzymatic systems responsible for these biotransformations. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES Attendance and active involvement in this course, together with individual learning ability, will allow students to achieve deep knowledge of these topics: - metabolic reactions occurring on the main drugs currently available on pharmaceutical market - main metabolic reactions mechanism and enzymes involved - most important techniques for in vitro and in vivo drugs metabolism studies - main factors affecting drugs metabolism. PREREQUISITES Basic information on human anatomy and physiology, organic chemistry, most common functional groups and their peculiar reactions, biology, genetics and toxicology are essential to efficiently address all the course contents. TEACHING METHODS The course consists of lessons about theoretical aspects of drugs metabolic reactions followed by practical examples of drugs currently available on the pharmaceutical market. In its individual work students will have to acquire knowledge and basic concepts about all the metabolic reactions responsible for chemical changes of administered drugs. This teaching establishes indispensable attendance at the teorethical lessons for which the teacher uses power point presentations, in order to help students in their learning abilities. At the beginning of each lessons, teacher shortly sums up the salient points of the previous lesson. In addition, the pdf formats of the complete power point presentations are made available for students on the website Aul@Web. SYLLABUS/CONTENT The course programme consists of these following subjects: - Drug and ADME concept definitions - Drugs metabolism studies history - Main techniques for in vitro and in vivo drugs metabolism study - Different factors affecting drugs metabolism - Toxicity related to drugs metabolism - Phase 1 metabolic reactions - Phase 2 metabolic reactions. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY The teacher set up this course by putting together several subjects coming from books about drugs metabolism. For this reason students don't have to buy any books because all the slides used throughout lessons, together with notes taken by students during the explanations, are sufficient to pass the exam. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD GIANCARLO GROSSI Ricevimento: Depending on his own professional engagements and by appointment, the teacher is always available to receive students or near-graduates. Exam Board GIANCARLO GROSSI (President) SARA BALDASSARI LESSONS Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The exam consists of an oral examination lasting about 45 minutes per students. Student will be asked 3 questions about these topics and according to this order: 1) drug absorption and distribution; 2) phase 1 drugs metabolism: 3) phase 2 drugs metabolism. To each question will be assigned a score from 1 to 10 and the final mark will be the sum of the 3 scores. The minimum mark to pass the exam is 18. The number of rounds available for students, both having and not having completed university exams within set time period and possible extraordinary rounds, will be carried out according to the current course of study rules. ASSESSMENT METHODS Details about the degree of in-depth analyses of each subject and how properly prepare the exam, will be given during lessons. The oral exam will concern topics discussed throughout taught classes and will have the aim to both evaluate the appropriate knowledge level acquired by students and their ability to predict what kind of metabolic reactions will occur on new drugs. Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 21/04/2022 09:00 GENOVA Orale 22/06/2022 09:00 GENOVA Orale 05/07/2022 09:00 GENOVA Orale 22/07/2022 09:00 GENOVA Orale 12/09/2022 09:00 GENOVA Orale 23/01/2023 09:00 GENOVA Orale 20/02/2023 09:00 GENOVA Orale