CODE 98120 ACADEMIC YEAR 2021/2022 CREDITS 5 cfu anno 2 ENGINEERING FOR BUILDING RETROFITTING 10719 (LM-24) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR ICAR/19 LANGUAGE English TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 1° Semester MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: TECHNIQUES FOR BUILDING REHABILITATION AND RESTORATION TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The course aims to make students aware on issues related to the preservation, maintenance, restoration and enhancement of architectural heritage, which is a testimony of our past, providing the historical-theoretical cornerstones and basic knowledge of the discipline, as well as basic technical skills for the design of the interventions. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The course aims to raise awareness among students on issues related to the conservation, maintenance, restoration and enhancement of the architectural heritage, which is testimony of our past. The course provides the historical-theoretical foundations and basic knowledge of the discipline, as well as basic technical skills for the design of the restoration. At the end of the course, the student must: - know the main themes that have animated the debate on restoration in Europe in the last 100 years (from Ruskin to Violet Le Duc up to the theorists of today) - know the elements for an understanding of historical buildings, their transformations and their state of decay - know the elements for a conservation intervention respectful of historical buildings and effective in contrasting the phenomena of decay - be able to describe the elements that allow an understanding of historic buildings, their transformations and their state of decay - understand the history of historic buildings (including "minor" ones) - understand the causes of the deterioration of historic buildings (including "minor" ones) - solve simple problems of data analysis related to the degradation of materials and propose intervention strategies TEACHING METHODS Ex-cathedra lectures, also with the help of professional and institutional experts, aimed at providing a broad and general picture of the tools and technical and operational problems of architectural restoration in our contemporary world. Among these stand out: the methods and forms of analysis and non-destructive diagnosis of architecture; the methods and tools of historical analysis of indirect sources; the forms and tools of analysis of direct sources, through the contributions of the Archeology of Architecture; the contents, forms and requirements of the conservation, maintenance and restoration project; the regulatory and protection framework in Italy and abroad; operational laboratory activities, carried out in the classroom and / or on site, in which students will be guided on the analysis and diagnosis of an existing artifact chosen in agreement with the teacher, up to the design of the interventions for its conservation, maintenance and / or restoration. SYLLABUS/CONTENT The course program is divided into two phases. First stage: theoretical concepts on "Conservation and Restoration" notes on the main theorists of Restoration notes on Restoration Interventions carried out in Italy and abroad Second phase: Diagnostics for the restoration project (survey, recognition of materials and their processing, recognition of decay phenomena and causes of decay, recognition of historical phases with archaeological and stratigraphic analysis) Restoration and conservation project (intervention techniques) RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY D. Pittaluga, F. Fratini (eds.) " Conservation et mise en valeur du patrimoine architectural et paysage des sites cotiers mediterraneens./ Conservation and promotion of architectural and landscape heritage of the mediterranean coastal sites", ed. Franco Angeli, Milano 2018 (Open access: ) D.Pittaluga, "Questioni di archeologia dell'architettura e restauro", ed. ECIG, Genova 2009 Jukka Jokiletho, "A history of architectural conservation", Oxford 1999 Miles Glendinning, "The conservation movement. A history of Architectural Preservation. Antiquity to Modern, London 2013 Other specific articles on intervention techniques will be given during the lessons TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD DANIELA PITTALUGA Ricevimento: Daniela Pittaluga: on appointment (e-mail: or mobile 3356712135) Exam Board DANIELA PITTALUGA (President) RENATA MORBIDUCCI CLARA VITE (President Substitute) LESSONS LESSONS START Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The exam will take place like this: The student who takes the exam must show an identification document, then he will have 10 minutes to expose his/her ppt on a case study of his/her choice, previously agreed with the teacher. As soon as the presentation is over there will be questions (2-3 of a list of 25 that will be inserted in the Teams folder of the course) ASSESSMENT METHODS During the year there will be self-assessment tests.The evaluation criteria will be: completeness of information, clarity of exposures, consistency and methodological rigor Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 25/01/2022 15:00 GENOVA Orale 08/02/2022 15:00 GENOVA Orale 14/06/2022 15:00 GENOVA Orale 28/06/2022 15:00 GENOVA Orale 12/07/2022 15:00 GENOVA Orale 13/09/2022 15:00 GENOVA Orale