CODE 97218 ACADEMIC YEAR 2021/2022 CREDITS 5 cfu anno 1 ENGINEERING FOR BUILDING RETROFITTING 10719 (LM-24) - GENOVA 5 cfu anno 2 ENGINEERING FOR BUILDING RETROFITTING 10719 (LM-24) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR ING-IND/11 LANGUAGE English TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 2° Semester TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW The Acoustic Design for Buildings course deals with topics of interest for building design and building renovation. In particular, the issues of acoustic design of buildings are addressed, in terms of the acoustic requirements of the building components, of the control of the noise of the systems, and of the acoustics of the rooms. A lot of time is left for learning computing tools. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The course will deliver competence in building acoustics for design of buildings and rooms in buildings so that the acoustic environment fulfills the requirements from community and users. Competence should include understanding the effect of noise loads from internal and external sources and the use of theoretical and empirical methods to design buildings with satisfying sound insulation against noise. The student will also develop skills on room acoustics, i.e. develop understanding of how sound spreads in volumes and what it takes to achieve desired sound quality in rooms by using modeling and analysis. Finally, the course will give knowledge of measuring technique for room acoustics and sound insulation. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The course aims to provide to the student the necessary skills to deal with the acoustic design of buildings in all its different aspects and in specialized terms. This is achieved by training students both in terms of theoretical skills and in the use of the most recent numerical calculation tools. A lot of time is left for laboratory activities and field exercises. Students then learn to use numerical calculation tools for the different areas related to the acoustic design of buildings. Particular attention will be paid to the acquisition of techniques for reclamation and renovation works on existing buildings. PREREQUISITES Having passed the examination of Applied Acoustics and Lighting. TEACHING METHODS The course consists of about one third of lectures, one third of lab or field exercises, and one third of computer activities aimed at learning the use of specialized computer programs. SYLLABUS/CONTENT Evaluation of the sound performance of living spaces. Acoustic design of rooms. Numerical methods for architectural acoustics. Sizing of building components: acoustic insulation of facades, soundproofing power of partitions, tapping noise for floors. Measurement of passive acoustic requirements of buildings. Numerical calculation methods for building acoustics. Noise propagation in outdoor environment. Numerical methods for the propagation of noise in outdoor environment. Impact assessments and acoustic climate. Generation and propagation of noise in technical plants. Noise control in aeraulic systems. Workers’ exposure to noise in construction site activities. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Lecture notes prepared by the teacher M. D. Egan, Architectural Acoustics, J. Ross Pub., 2007. M. Asselineau, Building Acoustics, CRC Press; 2015. T. Adams, Sound Materials: A Compendium of Sound Absorbing Materials for Architecture and Design, Frame Publishers, 2016. M. E. Shaffer, Practical Guide to Noise and Vibration Control for HVAC Systems, 2nd edition, ASHRAE, 2005. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD CORRADO SCHENONE Ricevimento: By appointment to be agreed with the teacher PAOLO CAVALLETTI Ricevimento: IN CLASS DURING LESSONS PERIOD AND WITH PREVIOUS EMAIL APPOINTMENT BY EMAIL APPOINTMENT IN OTHER PERIODS STEFANO SANGUINETI JOHAN AUGUSTO BOCANEGRA CIFUENTES Exam Board CORRADO SCHENONE (President) JOHAN AUGUSTO BOCANEGRA CIFUENTES DAVIDE BORELLI (President Substitute) LESSONS LESSONS START Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The exam is oral. ASSESSMENT METHODS During the oral exam, for the topics covered in class (Acoustic design of the rooms, Acoustic building design, Impact assessments and acoustic climate, Noise control of HVAC systems, Noise in the workplace) questions are formulated to test the understanding of the topics. The exam tends to favor, in addition to the theoretical elements, aspects of an applicative and engineering nature. Students may be required to discuss and comment on projects and activities developed during the exercises. Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 21/01/2022 09:30 GENOVA Orale 05/07/2022 10:00 GENOVA Orale 21/07/2022 10:00 GENOVA Orale 07/09/2022 10:00 GENOVA Orale