CODE 80811 ACADEMIC YEAR 2022/2023 CREDITS 5 cfu anno 4 MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA 8745 (LM-41) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR MED/08 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER Annual PREREQUISITES Propedeuticità in uscita Questo insegnamento è propedeutico per gli insegnamenti: MEDICINE AND SURGERY 8745 (coorte 2019/2020) PEDIATRICS 67546 MEDICINE AND SURGERY 8745 (coorte 2019/2020) GYNAECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS 67559 MEDICINE AND SURGERY 8745 (coorte 2019/2020) INTERNAL MEDICINE 67520 A INTERNAL MEDICINE 67520 B MEDICINE AND SURGERY 8745 (coorte 2019/2020) MEDICINE 67519 MEDICINE AND SURGERY 8745 (coorte 2019/2020) SURGERY I 67505 TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW The course of PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY AND CLINICAL CORRELATIONS deals with the pathological bases of diseases, the macro and microscopic lesions associated with them, the histological, cytological, molecular and autoptic techniques, the interpretation of lesions with diagnostic, prognostic and predictive purposes. It is therefore a course that opens up to the understanding many of the major neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases. In other words, this course is a crucial step for the growth.of the future physician. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES To make known the pathogenetic mechanisms and morphological lesions that accompany the most common diseases, with particular emphasis on the most significant changes to the diagnostic and prognostic definition of the disease. To provide the basis for understanding the classification principles of inflammatory, degenerative and neoplastic diseases. At the end of the course, the student is expected to have acquired the ability to request histo- and cyto-pathogy exams appropriately and to correctly interpret the diagnostic reports in the light of the acquired knowledge. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The course is divided into several parts that concern • The techniques used in histopathology, cytopathology, immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization and molecular pathology. • Indications and purposes of autopsy. • The systemic pathology of the various organs and apparatus. • The correlations between macro and microscopic lesions and clinical findings. • For neoplastic disease, prognostic and predictive factors of therapeutic response. • Guidelines for biopsy and cytopathology. • The significance and value of microscopic and molecular findings for the definition of various diseases. • The course also includes a professional part in which diagnostic cases are analyzed, highlighting how to require pathological exams and how a report is interpreted. This part also includes the discussion of clinical-pathological cases with digital microscopy. PREREQUISITES Knowledge of anatomy and normal human histology. Knowledge of the main cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying diseases. TEACHING METHODS Plenary lessons in classroom and slide seminars. SYLLABUS/CONTENT TOPICS TREATED IN THE III YEAR, 2nd SEMESTER GENERAL TOPICS The purpose and techniques of the necroscopic examination Clinical Pathology Anatomy, Surgical Pathology, Different Types of Biopsy Indications and limits of the intraoperative examination (frozen sections) Applications and limits of exfoliative, abrasive, and thin needle aspiration cytology. Anatomy-pathological diagnostics techniques: routine histology, histochemistry, immunohistochemistry, electronic microscopy and molecular investigations. Mechanisms of oncogenesis and oncogenesis at multiple stages. Classification, grading and staging criteria for neoplasms. DERMATOLOGY, IMMUNOLOGY, REUMATOLOGY AND OSTEOARTICULAR PATHOLOGY Basal cell and squamous epidermal cancer. Preneoplastic lesions and risk factors Nevi and melanomas: risk factors, classification criteria, morphological aspects, histoprognostic correlations and natural history Generalities on osteomyelitis and osteoporosis Inflammatory and degenerative joint disease CARDIOVASCULAR AND RESPIRATORY PATHOLOGY Coronary syndromes and myocardial infarction (causes and mechanisms, morphology and evolution) Endocarditis and valvulopathy (classification, pathology and complications) Cardiac hypertrophy and cardiomegaly. Congestive heart failure Myocarditis and cardiomyopathy. Diagnostic role of endomyocardial biopsy Pericarditis and haemopericardium Sudden cardiac death: morphological aspects Aneurysms and degenerative pathology of large vases: morphological aspects Vasculitis: morphological aspects Pulmonary Edema, Infarction, Embolism, Pulmonary Hypertension Respiratory distress in adults and newborn Air lung content alterations (emphysema and atelectasia). Chronic obstructive and restrictive pneumopathies: natural history and morphological aspects Pneumonia, bronchopneumonia and lung abscess: morphological aspects Pneumoconiosis: etiopathogenesis, morphological aspects and natural history. Interstitial lung diseases and pulmonary fibrosis: morphological aspects Tuberculosis and sarcoidosis: morphological aspects Lung tumors: Classification criteria, morphological aspects, isto-prognostic correlations and natural history Pleuritis and pleural tumors: Morphological aspects Cytological examination: generality and applications in pulmonary pathology RENAL AND ENDOCRINE PATHOLOGY Endocrine tumors of pancreas and GI tract: morphological aspects and clinico-pathological correlations Hyperplasia and adrenal tumors: classification and clinico-pathological correlations Ipo- and hyper-pituitaryism. Tumors of the pituitary gland: classification and clinico-pathological correlations Hypo- and hyper-thyroid dysfunction and natural history. Thyroiditis: classification, etiopathogenesis, natural history and morphology Thyroid tumors: Classification criteria, morphological aspects, natural history and diagnostic assessment techniques. Parathyroid hyperplasia and tumors: morphological aspects and anatomic-clinical correlations Renal biopsy: diagnostic role Nephritic syndrome: primitive and secondary causes Nephrotic syndrome: primitive and secondary causes Acute renal failure and tubulopathy: morphological aspects Renal lesions in lupus erythematosus Renal pathology of Diabetes Mellitus. Acute and chronic pielonephritis TOPICS TREATED IN THE IV YEAR, 1st SEMESTER DIGESTIVE DISEASE PATHOLOGY Precancer and oral cavity cancers Salivary gland diseases Laryngeal and rhinopharyngeal Tumors Endoscopic biopsy in digestive disease diagnosis Esophagitis and gastro-esophageal reflux disease Preneoplastic and neoplastic lesions of the esophagus: Classification criteria, morphological aspects and natural history Pre-cancerous lesions and gastric cancers: classification criteria, morphological aspects, histo-prognostic correlations and natural history Gastritis and peptic ulcer Mechanical and circulatory disorders of the intestine Malabsorption: nosography, morphological aspects, role of biopsy Enteritis and acute and chronic colitis (infectious and non-infectious) Benign and malignant tumors of the intestine: classification criteria, morphological aspects, histo-prognostic correlations, natural history Alterations of the liver circulation Infectious and non-infectious hepatitis (autoimmune): morphological aspects and natural history Pathological basics of nodular lesions of the liver: Classification criteria, morphology, histo-prognostic correlations, natural history Genetic liver diseases Exogenous toxic liver diseases (drugs and alcohol) Liver cirrhosis: morphogenesis, morphological aspetcs and natural history Neoplastic and non-neoplastic pathology of the bile ducts (intra and extraepathic) Acute and chronic pancreatitis: morphological aspects and natural history Exocrine pancreas tumors: classification criteria and histo-prognostic correlations Eye tumors Pathological aspects of HIV infection TOPICS TREATED IN THE IV YEAR, 2nd SEMESTER GENERAL TOPICS Collaboration between Clinicians and Pathologists in the construction of the diagnosis and definition of prognosis The request for histo-cytologic exams and interpretation of the reports Major malformative syndromes (encephalitis, heart and kidney) Male infertility causes HEMATOPATHOLOGY Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin malignant lymphomas: classification, morphological aspects, prognostic indicators, clinical-pathological correlations. Acute and chronic lymphadenitis Multiple myeloma and plasmocytoma. Mediastinal tumors: classification and clinical-pathological correlations PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY OF THE CENTRAL & PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Traumatic injuries. Cerebrovascular lesions. Infections of the CNS Demyelinating diseases CNS degenerative diseases Tumors of the CNS ONCOLOGICAL PATHOLOGY Breast cancer: Classification criteria, morphological aspects, histo-prognostic correlations, natural history, role of cytology and screening techniques Skeletal tumors: classification and prognostic correlation Soft tissue tumors: classification approach Kidney tumors in adulthood and childhood: morphological aspects, histo-prognostic correlations, natural history Urinary tract tumors: morphological aspects, histo-prognostic correlations, natural history Prostate tumors: morphological aspects, histo-prognostic correlations, natural history Testicular and epididymal tumors: classification criteria, morphological aspects, histo-prognostic correlations, natural history The pathology of female genital tract is treated in the Course of Obstetrics and Gynecology. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Gallo D'Amati- Anatomia Patologica La sistematica. EDRA (2a ediz., 2018) Robbins & Cotran- Le basi patologiche delle malattie. EDRA MASSON (9a ediz. Italiana, 2015) Ruco e Scarpa- Anatomia Patologica – Le basi. UTET (1 a ediz., 2008) All slides shown in lessons are published on Aulaweb TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD ROBERTO FIOCCA Ricevimento: Please contact for appointment by mail ( CARLO PESCE Ricevimento: Mondays 10AM-12AM FEDERICA GRILLO LUCA MASTRACCI Ricevimento: Please contact for appointment by mail ( or by phone (0105555942). VALERIO GAETANO VELLONE Exam Board ROBERTO FIOCCA (President) FEDERICA GRILLO (President) LUCA MASTRACCI (President) MICHELE PAUDICE (President) CARLO PESCE (President) VALERIO GAETANO VELLONE (President) LESSONS LESSONS START September 29th 2020, h.12 Class schedule PATOLOGY EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Partial “ongoing” verification of topics covered in 3rd year, 2nd semester at the end of the 3rd year. The exam of the course of Pathological Anatomy and Clinical Correlations at the end of 4th year also includes the verification of topics treated in the 4th year - 1st semester. ASSESSMENT METHODS ORAL EXAMINATION: Each candidate is offered 4 topics of oncological and non-oncological nature. After the submission of the arguments, the candidate is given a variable time (about 20 ') to arrange his own presentation even by producing written notes. After this first stage, an oral assessment is held with at least two professors. The final evaluation also takes into account the outcome of the previously conducted test on the topics covered during the third year - II semester. Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 12/01/2023 08:30 GENOVA Orale 03/02/2023 08:30 GENOVA Orale 24/02/2023 08:30 GENOVA Orale 21/03/2023 08:30 GENOVA orale per fuori corso 18/04/2023 08:30 GENOVA orale per fuori corso 16/05/2023 08:30 GENOVA orale per fuori corso 14/06/2023 08:30 GENOVA Orale 04/07/2023 08:30 GENOVA Orale 20/07/2023 08:30 GENOVA Orale 21/09/2023 08:30 GENOVA Orale