CODE 104918 ACADEMIC YEAR 2022/2023 CREDITS 6 cfu anno 1 RELAZIONI INTERNAZIONALI 11162 (LM-52) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR SPS/04 TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 2° Semester TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW The first part of the course provides the analytical tools developed by the social sciences to understand the political and regulatory dynamics of socio-economic systems characterized by scarcity of resources. The concept of sustainability will constitute an interpretative key of the phenomena analyzed, highlighting not only the environmental and economic dimension, but also the political one which, although less known, is emerging in the literature as crucial for the effectiveness of institutions and their duration in time. The second part of the course focuses on a specific problem: counterterrorism policies. These have indeed unintended but also unintented (and potentially critical) consequences on democratic institutions. On the one hand, they influence the relationship between security and liberty. The key concept of trade-off between public goods will guide the analysis, which aims to underline the political, social, and economic cost of counterterrorism. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The course has the following learning objectives: 1. Recognition of collective action problems related to systems of social interaction characterised by scarce resources. 2. Knowledge of the main parameters of institutional design. 3. Awareness of the intertemporal effects of regulatory systems and ability to develop policy strategies for their management. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the course the student will: 1. Recognize the linkages between collective action problems and institutions. 2. Recognize the main issues of institutional and policy design 3. Knowledge of the effects of counterterrorism policies on individual freedoms and on the relationship between the executive and legislative power. PREREQUISITES Good knowledge of social sciences' foundations. Insterst for current affairs. TEACHING METHODS The course will alternate lectures with seminars. The active participation of students is a characterizing element and, compatibly with the number of participants, students will be asked to present and discuss original case studies. The course will take place in person. In case of necessity, a dedicated Teams room will be used. It is accessible with the following code: 9zwcsde SYLLABUS/CONTENT The course is organized in four units: UD1 – Resources, collective action, institutions. UD2 – Institutional and policy design UD3 – Counterterrorism policies and their impact on public goods UD4 - Case studies / Presentations A detailed syllabus will be shared at the beginning of the course. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Attending students: Readings will be assigned by the professor. Non attending students: DeLeo (2015), Anticipatory policymaking: When government acts to prevent problems and why it is so difficult, Routledge, London. [The book is available among the Library’s digital resources] TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD MARCO DI GIULIO Ricevimento: During the course, the professor is available on monday at 4PM. In any other moment, office hourse are held on line, using the TEAMS platform. Student can joint using this code: ot5m9la In any case, students are kindly asked to inform the professor in advance by email. FRANCESCO BARALDI Exam Board MARCO DI GIULIO (President) FABRIZIO COTICCHIA FRANCESCO BARALDI (President Substitute) EDOARDO CORRADI (Substitute) MARGHERITA SALVIA (Substitute) LESSONS LESSONS START March 6th 2023 Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION For attending students the exam will be based on a project work agreed with the professor. Non attending students will take the exam orally, on the basis of the text indicated below. ASSESSMENT METHODS Both attending and non-attending students will be evaluated on the basis of their knowledge of the contents of the course, their capacity to critically discuss key concepts and apply them to current affairs. Accuracy in lexicon is appreciated and evaluated. Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 10/01/2023 11:00 GENOVA Orale 07/02/2023 11:00 GENOVA Orale 23/05/2023 11:00 GENOVA Orale 20/06/2023 11:00 GENOVA Orale 11/07/2023 11:00 GENOVA Orale 12/09/2023 11:00 GENOVA Orale