CODE 72758 ACADEMIC YEAR 2022/2023 CREDITS 2 cfu anno 2 SCIENZE RIABILITATIVE DELLE PROFESSIONI SANITARIE 9285 (LM/SNT2) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR SECS-P/02 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 2° Semester MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: HEALTH MANAGEMENT TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB AIMS AND CONTENT AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The purpose of the course is to provide basic knowledge on the main organizational and operating issues of systems and on indicators for comparing systems, also in order to offer students ideas for personal insights into the subject. The "key" variables illustrated are: financing, regulation / governance, supply, resource allocation and interdependence between systems, organization and management of assistance. At the end of the course, the student must: • have an in-depth knowledge of the main types of health systems; • clearly recognize the main operating determinants; • through the use of appropriate indicators, knowing how to compare the performance of different systems TEACHING METHODS The course consists of interactive and face-to-face lessons, with projection of illustration slides and examples of content and videos relating to the discipline (docufilm, extracts from television programs). Other work tools will also be used such as supplementary texts, diagrams, concept maps, images, etc. Students with SLD, disability or other special educational needs certification are strongly encouraged to contact the teachers at the beginning of the course to agree on teaching methods which, respecting the teaching objectives, take into account individual learning methods and provide suitable compensatory instruments. SYLLABUS/CONTENT 1. Definitions The context. The great economic, demographic, epidemiological changes. Health system concept. Components and objectives of health systems. Observation perspectives 2. Financing models General taxation. Social insurance. Voluntary insurance. The Medical Saving Accounts. Direct payment. 3. Models of regulation and governance Atomistic systems and integrated systems. Liberal systems and solidarity systems. The rethinking of the role of the public system in the last thirty years. Main policy needs. 4. Offer models The continuum exclusive ownership of the means of sanitary production / perfect competition. Systems based on public planning / delivery. Planned markets / mixed markets, public competition. The regulated markets. The perfect competition. 5. Models of resource allocation and interdependence between systems Evolution of epidemiological needs and changes in welfare models. Curative medicine and preventive health care. Primary care / Secondary care. Proximity healthcare. 6. Models of organization and management of assistance Evolution of the epidemiological need and changes in the organizational models of assistance. To different needs different answers. The example of large retailers. "Generalist" hospitals and hospitals by intensity of care. The hub & spoke model 7. Indicators and indices for the comparison of health systems Health status indicators. Resource indicators. Efficiency indicators. Effectiveness / performance indicators. Perceived quality indicators. A summary: the WHO model. The PNE evaluation system of the Ministry of Health 8. Focus: the health systems of the Netherlands, Cuba, Sweden, Spain RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY The teacher will provide students with copies of all materials used at the end of each lesson. Reading the following chapters of the text is recommended R. Zanella, Manuale di Economia sanitaria, Maggioli, 2022: cap. 2 pp. 17-25, chap. 4 pp. 33-49, chap. 5 pp. 71-91, chap. 6 pp. 93-124. R. Zanella, La sanità di prossimità, Il Pensiero scientifico Editore, 2022 chap. 1,2,9 TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD RICCARDO ZANELLA Ricevimento: Reception of students and / or undergraduates at the teacher's office c / o REGIONE LIGURIA, Via G. D'Annunzio 64, Genova, 2 floor, or c/o DINOGMI (UniGe) to be agreed by appointment to be requested via e-mail at the following addresses:, Exam Board ENRICO MAZZINO (President) SUSANNA MEZZAROBBA RICCARDO ZANELLA (President and Coordinator of Integrated Course) LESSONS LESSONS START II semester, II year Class schedule HEALTH SCHEMES IN COMPARISON EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The exam takes place in written form and consists of a number of multiple choice questions between 20 and 30 (with a unit score also variable per question, from 1 to 2 and a penalty in case of error from 0.4 to 1 point). There may also be one or more open-ended questions. Details on the methods of examination, the preparation required for the exam and the degree of depth of each topic will be given during the lessons. Exam dates will be published on Aulaweb. The exams of the integrated courses are held in the Genoese university in a single moment and the Examination Commissions, chaired by the Coordinators of the integrated courses or by their delegates, must be composed in accordance with the provisions of Article 29 c.5 and c. 6 of the University Didactic Regulations. ASSESSMENT METHODS The exam will focus on the topics covered during the lectures and will aim to assess not only if the student has reached an adequate level of knowledge, but if he has acquired the ability to critically analyze the issues addressed during the course. Students with SLD or other regularly certified special educational needs will be able to agree on written or oral modalities with the teacher, by contacting the teachers at least 10 days before the exam. They can also take advantage of 30% additional time.