CODE 80812 ACADEMIC YEAR 2022/2023 CREDITS 5 cfu anno 1 SCIENZE BIOLOGICHE 8762 (L-13) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR BIO/02 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 2° Semester MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: BOTANY AND LABORATORY TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The course provides the acquisition of the main knowledge on evolutionary lines, botanical nomenclature rules, taxonomic groups, including the characteristics of the main families of the Italian Flora and the use of analytical keys for their identification. Understanding the meaning and value of biodiversity. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES Knowledge and understanding The module has the following learning goals: deepening on evolutionary lines and botanical nomenclature rules; definition of taxonomic groups, including the characteristics of the main families of the Italian Flora; understanding of the meaning and value of biodiversity. Competences and skills Specifically, the student will be able to: compare the reproductive cycles of the main plant taxonomic groups; describe the structure and functions of reproductive organs of spermatophytes; distinguish the main taxonomic groups of plant kingdom; identify the main Angiosperm families and their use in daily human activities; use the dichotomous recognition keys for spermatophytes identification; describe the floral characteristics with floral diagram and formulas. TEACHING METHODS Frontal lectures (32 h) Experiments in Laboratory and on-line field experiences (16 h) Please refer to the AulaWeb platform for any specific updates to the teaching due to changes in the health and epidemiological situation. SYLLABUS/CONTENT The module will deal with the following main argument: Taxomomy Introduction to systematic botany: Taxa and nomenclature; taxonomic systems. Metagenetic cycles Eukaryotic algae: generalities, morphology, organization, reproduction and cycles. Systematics: Rhodophyta, Phaeophyta, Chrysophyta, Euglenophyta, Clorophyta, Charophyta. Relief of plants from the aquatic environment Terrestrial plants: general taxonomic scheme. Embryophytes: differences between Bryophytes and Tracheophyte Bryophyta: generality, morphology, organization, systematics, reproduction and cycle Pteridophyta (vascular cryptogams): general features, morphology and organization, reproduction and cycles of pteridophyte isosporea and heterosporea. Spermatophyta: general characteristics; egg and seed, pollen. Gymnosperms: generality, morphology and organization; reproductive organs, reproduction and cycle; Cytopophytes, Gingkophytes, Coniferophytes and Gnetophytes. Angiosperms: generalities, morphology and organization; reproductive organs; flower, inflorescences; fruit; reproduction and cycle; Dicotyledons and Monocotyledons Laboratory and practical experiences Metamorphosis of root, stem and leaf. Flower and inflorescences of Angiosperms: morphology and functions. Morphological and anatomical characteristics of the fruit with relevant examples. Elements of phytognosy and use of dichotomous keys for the recognition of the main families of Dicotyledons and Monocotyledons. Presentation in the field of the main plant groups: mosses, ferns, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms with direct experiences. Visit to the Hanbury Botanical Gardens for direct observation of all the topics covered in the course. Field trip for live observations and harvesting of herbarium preparation material. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Presentation slides Available on AulaWEB at the site Main texts: Speranza A. e Calzoni G. L. Struttura delle piante per immagini. Ed. Zanichelli, Bologna, 2002. Pasqua G., Abbate G., Forni C. Botanica generale e diversità vegetale. Ed. Piccin, Padova, 2019. Reference texts: Solomon, et al. Struttura e processi vitali nelle piante. EdiSES, 2017. Tripodi G. Introduzione alla Botanica sistematica EdiSES, 2006. Anatomy tables of vascular plants: Other lessons in-depth analysis of various course topics, terminology, etc: TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD LUIGI MINUTO Ricevimento: Anytime, fixed upon request by telephone and by e-mail ( PAOLA MALASPINA Ricevimento: Students are received after appointment with the lecturer by e-mail (, at the Department of Earth Sciences, Environment and Life (DISTAV), Palazzina delle Scienze 2, office floor II.20. LAURA CORNARA Ricevimento: Agreed directly with the teacher by e-mail ( Exam Board LAURA CORNARA (President) MARIA GUERRINA PAOLA MALASPINA LUIGI MINUTO (President Substitute) LESSONS LESSONS START Refer to the detailed timetable at the link: or at the DISTAV Web site Class schedule BOTANY AND LABORATORY (2° MODULO) EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Examination methods Due to changes in the health and epidemiological situation, please refer to the AulaWeb platform for any specific updates to the module. During June and July calls, the examination includes a written test in the form of a pre-selection test (online or in a computer room), which is useful for access to the oral examination. The test will cover topics from both modules: general botany, systematic botany, and related laboratory exercises. The oral examination involves the recognition of an anatomical image and the discussion of a small herbarium, but covering all the topics of the program. The pre-selection test evaluations are valid for the summer session only (June, July and September) of the current academic year. From September onwards, students who do not take or fail the pre-selection test by July must take an oral examination on the complete syllabus. ASSESSMENT METHODS The written/oral exams will aim to assess not only if the student has reached an adequate level of knowledge, but also if he has acquired the ability to link structure and functions in plants. Evaluation matrix Test Oral Herb. Weighted value % 50 45 5 explain and describe plant structure and function X apply methods of histological and anatomical investigations of plant tissues and organs X compare the reproductive cycles of main plant taxonomic groups X X describe structure and functions of reproductive organs in spermatophytes X X X distinguish the main taxonomic groups X identify the main Angiosperm families X use the dichotomous recognition keys X use floral diagram and formulas X Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 24/01/2023 09:00 GENOVA Orale 07/02/2023 09:00 GENOVA Orale 12/06/2023 09:00 GENOVA Orale 26/06/2023 09:00 GENOVA Orale 10/07/2023 09:00 GENOVA Orale 24/07/2023 09:00 GENOVA Orale 19/09/2023 09:00 GENOVA Orale FURTHER INFORMATION Frequency is strongly recommended. Attendance at the theoretical course will be sometimes monitored in order to check the interest to the course.