CODE 61766 ACADEMIC YEAR 2022/2023 CREDITS 2 cfu anno 3 SCIENZE BIOLOGICHE 8762 (L-13) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR BIO/09 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 2° Semester PREREQUISITES Propedeuticità in ingresso Per sostenere l'esame di questo insegnamento è necessario aver sostenuto i seguenti esami: Biological Sciences 8762 (coorte 2020/2021) INSTITUTIONS OF MATHEMATICS 52344 2020 BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY AND LABORATORY 65531 2020 ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY AND LABORATORY 67060 2020 TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW Molecular Physiology studies the structure / function relationships of biopolymers. The teaching focuses on some topics such as the fluidity of biological membranes, adaptation to environmental changes, the transport mechanisms of molecules through the membrane, the molecular mechanisms involved in the maintenance of the body's homeostasis. The course also introduces quantitative studies of molecular interactions, microscopy and a number of spectroscopic techniques. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The teaching aims at providing basic training in the field of Molecular Physiology. In particular, the teaching aims at achieving the following objectives: •knowledge of the basic principles underlining the structure/function relationship in living systems from molecules to cells and tissues; •deepening of some recent techniques for structural characterization of cells and biopolymers deepening the role of ionic channel mutations in some important pathological conditions. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES La partecipazione alle attività formative previste (lezioni frontali) consentirà agli studenti di acquisire le nozioni fondamentali della Fisiologia Molecolare che possono risultano utili per gli sbocchi professionali nell'ambito delle Scienze Biologiche. Nello specifico lo studente dovrà essere in grado di: • conoscere meccanismi generali dei processi fisiologici e della loro • acquisire le nozioni fondamentali sulla organizzazione strutturale, caratteristiche chimico-fisiche, ruolo delle membrane biologiche e dei meccanismi di trasporto; • approfondire le conoscenze sulle tecniche spettroscopiche e microscopiche impiegate in Fisiologia Molecolare. TEACHING METHODS The teaching method includes at least 8 frontal lessons of 2 hours each. Lectures in the classroom are delivered through multimedia presentations. Attendance at the course is strongly recommended. SYLLABUS/CONTENT Introduction to Molecular Physiology. Biological Membranes: Chemical-physical characteristics of membrane lipids and function; Liposomes and micelles: characteristic and use as drug and cosmetic vehicles. Biological Membrane Fluidity: physiological role; factors that modulate fluidity (saturated and unsaturated fatty acids w-3 and w-6); techniques for quantitative analysis of in situ fluidity (fluorescence probes, fluorescence anisotropy, FTIR spectroscopy, FLIP whitening techniques, FRET); Diagnostic and therapeutic implications (in pathologies such as schizophrenia, leukemia, etc.). Ionic channels: classification, structure/function; ionic selectivity; canalopathies (dystrophy, etc.). Water channels: structure/function, classification; the role of aquaproins in degenerative and metabolic diseases (dystrophy, neurodegenerative diabetes, etc.). RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Appunti e materiale fornito a lezione. V. Taglietti, C. Casella Principi di Fisiologia e Biofisica della Cellula. Ed. La Goliardica Pavese TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD LAURA VERGANI Ricevimento: Laura Vergani: The students are able to book an appointment by phone, by mail or by aulaweb Exam Board LAURA VERGANI (President) ILARIA DEMORI FRANCESCA BALDINI (President Substitute) LESSONS LESSONS START Lesson will start in the 2nd semester. For lessons start and timetable go to the link: Please check the module Aulaweb page for timetable updates dependent on the sanitary and epidemic situation. Class schedule MOLECULAR PHYSIOLOGY EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Oral. The examination procedure to assess the achievement of the objectives set will take place with an oral examination, and is always be conducted by a Commission consisting of at least two tenured teachers (or in cases limited by a tenured professor and a lecturer of the subject designated by the CCS) and has a duration of at least 20 minutes. The Commission, appointed in this way, is able to verify with high accuracy the achievement of the educational objectives of the teaching. ASSESSMENT METHODS The Commission accurately verifies the achievement of the educational objectives of the teaching by asking different questions related to the program actually carried out during the lessons of the course. For the final evaluation of the student the commission evaluates the following requirements: level of knowledge of the topics covered by the questions, exposure skills, ability to reason and link with other topics of the course. In the event that the training objectives are not achieved, the student is invited to better verify his / her knowledge and possibly to make use of further explanations by contacting the teacher in charge of the course. Attendance at the course is strongly recommended.