CODE 61701 ACADEMIC YEAR 2022/2023 CREDITS 3 cfu anno 1 METODOLOGIE PER LA CONSERV. RESTAURO BENI CULTURALI 9009 (LM-11) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR BIO/05 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 2° Semester MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: BIOLOGY APPLIED TO DIAGNOSTIC AND PRESERVATION OF CULTURAL HERIT TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Aim of module 2 is to provide students with knowledge about materials of animal origin used in artistic and artisan works. The marine and terrestrial organisms involved in the deterioration of artistic works together with the tecniques to face them, will be also described. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES Attendance and participation to the course will allow the student to acquire basic Zoological knowledge necessary to face studies in the field of conservation and restoration of cultural heritage. Specifically, the student will be able to: • To learn the basic biology of metazoans (e.g. structure, systematics, ecology) with particular reference to those of interest in the field of cultural heritage • To learn the characteristics of artistic and craft materials derived from animals • To learn the role of animals in artistic expression in the past and nowadays • To learn the diagnostic techniques necessary for the characterization and recognition of metazoa with particular reference to those of interest in the field of cultural heritage • To learn the role of metazoans as biodeteriogens of artistic artifacts (pictorial works, stone and wood artifacts, etc.) • To learn the techniques of containment of metazoans harmful to works of art TEACHING METHODS The course consists exclusively of lectures. Attendance at lessons is strongly recommended. Additional practicals will be agreed with the student depending on the epidemic trend and on the teaching/learning needs. Lectures in the classroom are delivered through multimedia presentations. At the end of each part of the program there will be tests in the classroom for self-assessment of learning. SYLLABUS/CONTENT • Animals in the culture and economy of human societies. · Materials of animal origin. • Brief review of animals damaging cultural heritage (mammals, birds, insects, crustaceans, mollusks, annelids, sponges) and of the main materials subject to aggression. • Detailed analysis of insects: morphology, anatomy, diet and developmental cycles. Insects that cause damage to the artistic and cultural heritage: aggressor insects / consumers of fresh wood, wood in work and other materials (paper, wool, silk, leather, feathers) and insects that use wood or other materials for the construction of nest. • Techniques of identification and diagnosis of damage and methods of fight against insects (mechanical, physical, chemical and biological control). • Substances produced by insects used in the restoration of works of art. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY All slides used during lessons and other teaching materials will be available on AulaWeb at the end of each lesson cycle. The book below is suggested as a supporting text, but students can still use other university level texts. The recommended texts are available and can be consulted at the M.F.N. School of Science Library. Chiappini E., Liotta G., Reguzzi M.C., Battisti A., Insetti e restauro: legno, carta, tessuti, pellame e altri materiali. Calderini edagricole, Bologna. - Litta G., Gli insetti e i danni del legno: problemi di restauro. Nardini editore, Firenze. - Caneva G., Nugari M.P., Salvadori O., La biologia nel restauro. Nardini editore, Firenze TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD STEFANO VANIN Ricevimento: Specific questions will be answered at the end of the scheduled classes, in addition students may book an appointment by e-mail ( Exam Board STEFANO VANIN (President) SIMONE DI PIAZZA (President Substitute) ELISA TAVIANI (President Substitute) MIRCA ZOTTI (Substitute) LESSONS LESSONS START For lessons start and timetable go to the following link: Class schedule BIOLOGY APPLIED TO DIAGNOSTIC AND PRESERVATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE MOD. 2 EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The exam is composed by a technical report on a specific scenario and by an oral examination on the module’s topics. Three calls will be available in the winter session (January-February) and 3 calls in the summer session (June, July, September). ASSESSMENT METHODS Detailed information about the exam preparation and the degree of details required for each topic will be provided during the lectures. The technical report writing will evaluate the ability of the student to apply the acquired knowledge to a realistic scenario and to verify their ability to integrate information about material, environments, degradation-agents and security in the workplace. The oral examination, starting from the written report, will focus on the topics covered in class in order to evaluate if the student has reached a satisfactory level of general knowledge and their ability to use a correct terminology typical of the discipline. In addition, the oral examination will evaluate if the student has acquired the ability to apply all the theoretical topics to simple contexts. Because of the current COVID-19 emergency, students are invited to check regularly the module website (AulaWeb ) to be updated on any teaching variation. FURTHER INFORMATION Regular attendance at lessons is strongly recommended. Because of the current COVID-19 emergency, students are invited to check regularly the module website (AulaWeb ) to be updated on any teaching variation.