CODE 98943 ACADEMIC YEAR 2022/2023 CREDITS 8 cfu anno 2 ARCHITETTURA 9915 (LM-4) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR ICAR/21 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 2° Semester MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: ADVANCED TOWN PLANNING DESIGN LAB AND NEW HABITATS TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB AIMS AND CONTENT AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The main purpose of this theoretical-practical teaching clearly related to Architectural and Urban Design at different scales, is to provide students with in-depth knowledge on the growing holistic capacity of interrelation between different levels of spatial, functional and environmental intervention, oriented to link contextual and architectural response, urban and environmental reading, urban-territorial, in mutual synergy (from analytical recognition to synthetic strategy, from global interpretation to local operation). Exploring complexity, fostering and articulating diversity, raising multiple interaction--between processes and information, programs and uses, contention and reality, city and citizens (designing and formulating new spaces--new scenarios--transversal, architectural, urban, spatial and social, in tune with a new, more open and adaptive relational logic) is the course's overriding goal. Grand Scale, Landscape, Mapping and Multi-scalar Urban Design are essential aspects of the course's multi-scalar approach: the course aims to foster this cross-cutting thinking by presenting a theoretical-practical approach to the multiple (multi-level and multi-relational) conditions of the contemporary city and territory. This approach seeks to explore the cross-relationships between "city and territory" (especially in the case of Europe) and its relationship today to the emergence of integrated and innovative strategies, particularly in the areas of new strategic planning, mixed planning, urban resilience and new technological capabilities. TEACHING METHODS The course will consist of ex-cathedra lectures, seminars, mainly collective exercises, seminar corrections of the exercises, and a final intensive workshop. The lectures will cover issues that are deemed essential for the acquisition of critical and design skills appropriate to the workshop theme. The tutorials are designed as a path of progressive deepening of the workshop theme. Attendance at lectures and laboratory is compulsory, as per the Teaching Regulations. The laboratory will be taught by the teaching faculty members, assisted by laboratory tutors. At the beginning of each laboratory activity there will be a brief theoretical-practical introduction with the aim of providing the basic principles on which the methodologies used are based and the account of the fact up to that moment. In the practical part, students, divided into groups of two or three and with the support of lecturers and tutors, will have to apply the provided experimental tools and the described methods. At the end of each particular activity, students will have to exchange a critical view with the lecturer on the results obtained from the experimental activity itself. The organization and dates of the laboratory activities will be communicated directly by the lecturers at the beginning of each project phase. SYLLABUS/CONTENT The course organized around the GIC-Lab Research Group is articulated -starting from a primarily theoretical approach capable of introducing the student to the trinomial Conception/Organization/Formulation (or if you prefer System/Logic/Action) at different levels and scales of intervention, with particular weight in the parameters or factors of simultaneity, dynamism, diversity, intersection and interchange or interaction. The course program will, therefore, develop simultaneously on different conceptual and design levels: - at the urban and/or spatial scale (maps, schemes and strategic diagrams) - at the architectural scale (mixed "residence-production-use" programs) - at the collective scale (approaches to contemporary public space) - at the environmental scale (proposals for positive interaction with the environment) - at the ephemeral scale (temporal actions and participatory installations) - at the socio-cultural scale (transversal exchange and synergy) The territories of complex development in its different urban and landscape declinations - and in particular the Mediterranean coastal scenarios as paradigmatic contexts of this process - will constitute the main fields of research and investigation. At the end of the course the student will be able to have acquired essential notions on: - The knowledge of the methods and criteria by which the transformations of the city, territory, environment and landscape are analyzed, controlled and planned; - The synthesis of methodologies of analysis, interpretation and design of landscape architecture with the aim of fostering knowledge of different approaches, methods and techniques for the analysis and design of the landscape itself, understood as a system of eco-systems; - Knowledge of the dynamics of contemporary urban and territorial transformations: practices and regional dimensions of living and producing; systems of mobility, accessibility and urban welfare; forms of regeneration, as well as objectives of sustainability and resilience; - Knowledge of innovative approaches to urban and territorial design and strategies for adapting living environments understood as dynamic, complex and evolving systems. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY All slides used during lectures and other lecture materials will be available on aul@web. In general, the notes taken during the lectures and the material on aul@web are sufficient for exam preparation. The books, presented in the graphically curated syllabus available on aul@web. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD MANUEL GAUSA NAVARRO Ricevimento: Friday morning and / or Thursday afternoon NICOLA VALENTINO CANESSA Ricevimento: Monday mornings 10 - 11 by appointment Exam Board MANUEL GAUSA NAVARRO (President) NICOLA VALENTINO CANESSA (President Substitute) ADRIANA GHERSI (President Substitute) LESSONS LESSONS START Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The exam will involve the production of an A3 dossier and A1 tables in competition mode, as well as the layout of the various exercises carried out during the year. Initiative in creating additional formats will be considered a plus. The presentation of the material will coincide with an end-of-course workshop (on-site or out-of-town) within which all projects can be compared together in one space. The examination will thus consist of the delivery of the planned materials and an oral test presenting the production, as well as a short essay integrated into the summary dossier or book. ASSESSMENT METHODS Details on how to prepare for the exam and the degree of depth of each topic will be given in the course of the lectures. The mainly oral examination but with a short written essay will test the effective acquisition of basic knowledge of the methodologies assayed and their applications to the analysis and synthesis of the proposals presented. Narrative, communication skills and problems and open questions will allow assessment of the ability to apply knowledge in practical situations that may occur with reference to good laboratory practices. The student should be able to link and integrate knowledge learned during laboratory activities with that provided during the lectures. The oral presentation will focus mainly on the proposal developed in relation to the topics covered during the lectures and will aim to assess not only whether the student has achieved an adequate level of knowledge. The ability to describe the processes and proposals clearly and with correct terminology will also be assessed. Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 15/06/2023 10:30 SAVONA Laboratorio FURTHER INFORMATION The course will assess the originality and strategic and conceptual relevance of the proposals, the degree of sophistication and development of the drawings and graphic expressions connected with the projects, the communicative and expressive ability and the clear and committed implication with the course, individually and collectively, in synergy with the working group. Identity of particular work and consistency of group research will be values taken into account.