CODE 106731 ACADEMIC YEAR 2022/2023 CREDITS 6 cfu anno 2 BIOENGINEERING 11159 (LM-21) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR ING-INF/06 LANGUAGE English TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 1° Semester TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW Digital health, or digital healthcare, is a broad, multidisciplinary concept that includes concepts from an intersection between technology and healthcare. Digital health applies digital transformation to the healthcare field, incorporating software, hardware and services. Under its umbrella, digital health includes mobile health (mHealth) apps, electronic health records (EHRs), electronic medical records (EMRs), wearable devices, telehealth and telemedicine, as well as personalized medicine. The course, starting from the introductory contents presented in the previous Technologies for Personalized Medicine course, intends to provide the theoretical, technological and practical bases to address the topics described in the previous paragraph. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES La crescente introduzione di tecniche di calcolo negli ambienti biomedici richiederà che persone ben formate siano disponibili non solo per insegnare agli studenti, ma anche per progettare, sviluppare, selezionare e gestire i sistemi informativi del futuro. Esiste un'ampia gamma di problemi informatici dipendenti dal contesto che le persone possono apprezzare solo lavorando su problemi definiti dall'ambiente sanitario e dai suoi vincoli. A tal fine, il corso presenterà l'applicazione tipica delle scienze dell'informazione a questioni mediche (come sistemi di cartelle cliniche elettroniche, informatica sanitaria pubblica vs consumatori, infrastrutture di informazione sanitaria, telemedicina) considerando alcune tecnologie di base come: sistemi di database, definizione standard sia a livello tecnico che a livello semantico, comunicazione basata su Internet, elaborazione del linguaggio naturale, sistemi di supporto alle decisioni. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES Aims Acquisition of the theoretical basis of the major constituent elements of the Digital Health ecosystem Acquisition of the practical elements of sharing clinical data. Application of medical informatics standards Learning outcomes To improve computer skills especially with regard to databases. managed languages and service-oriented architectures To learn about specific design methods for health information systems PREREQUISITES General informatics Databases Object oriented programming languages Operating systems Computer networks TEACHING METHODS The course is developed in parallel on two tracks. In the first, more theoretical, the various topics are presented with traditional lessons, there are also some seminars by Italian and foreign experts on specific topics. In the second, more practical, teaching is carried out in a participatory way, developing together with the students increasingly concrete examples of parts of databases of significant interest in Medical Information Technology and their (standardized) interfaces using web services. SYLLABUS/CONTENT Biomedical Data: Their Acquisition, Storage, and Use Human-Computer Interaction, Usability, and Workflow Standards in Biomedical Informatics Natural Language Processing for Health-Related Texts Personal Health Informatics Evaluation of Biomedical and Health Information Resources Electronic Health Records Health Information Infrastructure Management of Information in Health Care Organizations Patient-Centered Care Systems Population and Public Health Informatics mHealth and Applications Telemedicine and Telehealth Information Retrieval Clinical Decision-Support Systems Clinical Research Informatics Precision Medicine and Informatics Practical Clinical Data Management Examples of data treatment through the WEB RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY E. H. Shortliffe, J. J. Cimino (Editors), M. F. Chiang (Co-Editor) “Biomedical Informatics: Computer Applications in Health Care and Biomedicine” Fifth Edition, 2021, Cham (Switzerland), Springer Silberschatz, H. Korth, S. Sudarshan “Database Systems Concept” Seventh Edition, 2020, New York, Mc Grow Hill N. Harrison “SQL Queries Succinctly”, 2017, Syncfusion D. Roth, J. Fritz, T. Southwick “Blazor for ASP.NET Web Forms Developers” 2021, Microsoft TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD MAURO GIACOMINI Ricevimento: Dates by appointments Exam Board MAURO GIACOMINI (President) ROBERTA GAZZARATA NORBERT MAGGI LAURA PASTORINO (President Substitute) LESSONS Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Practical test, developed during the lessons, with a final interview Interview on the theoretical topics listed in the syllabus ASSESSMENT METHODS In the final practical interview, all the components of the system developed during the lessons relating to a specific topic will be analyzed. The analysis skills of the developed codes and the ability to change the same codes as the requirements change will be evaluated. In the theoretical interview, the ability to connect between the various topics studied will be assessed, especially in order to test the propensity for complex design in the medical IT field.