CODE 84337 ACADEMIC YEAR 2022/2023 CREDITS 5 cfu anno 3 INGEGNERIA MECCANICA 8784 (L-9) - LA SPEZIA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR ING-IND/15 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION LA SPEZIA SEMESTER 2° Semester MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: MACHINE DESIGN TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW The course aims to introduce students to product design. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The course aims to introduce students to product design, with particular reference to the design process and to design for safety, for manufacturability, for cost, for assembly and for environment. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The purpose of the course is to introduce the student to Machine Design which is a universal visual language that conveys the way something works or how it is built. Attendance to lectures and individual study will allow the student to: learn the general aspects of the design sector acquire the technical terminology used in the design master the methodologies of representation of real objects through orthogonal projections and with the use of sections according to the European ISO method correctly indicate the dimensions, dimensional tolerances and geometric and microgeometric tolerances knowing how to express couplings between pieces with play or interference in the base shaft or base hole system, identifying the correct position and tolerance class carry out the schematization of simple machine parts suggest the optimal form according to the rules of the DFA and DFM outline the methods of assembly and disassembly of the elements with the choice of the proper coupling TEACHING METHODS The lessons introduce the UNI ISO standards necessary for the representation of objects in a unambiguous way. They also present the terminology and the basic rules for industrial technical drawing with the appropriate symbology to indicate threads, gears, bearings, etc. Particular attention is given to the methods of assembly/disassembly of the components in order to facilitate their assembly (DFA) but also to make easy their inspection and maintenance. The operation of the studied machine elements is also illustrated by means of videos and their shape and the material thay are made of are justified according to the DFM guidelines but also to the assembly methods (manual, robotic, automatic) to the eco- compatibility guide lines and those related to the aspects of workers' safety and health. SYLLABUS/CONTENT Design of mechanical elements Connections that cannot be dismantled: Welds. Riveted joints. Glued on joints. Forced connections. Connections that can be dismantled: Threads. Power screws. Threaded connections. Set screws (outlines). Mechanical springs. Elements for transmission of power and lifting: Gears. Flexible elements: Belts; Wire ropes; Chains. Members for storage or transfer of energy associated to rotating motion. Brakes. Clutches. Flywheels. Bearings: Rolling contact bearings. Journal bearings. Crankshafts. Elements of product design New approach European Directives (outline). Standards for the safety of machinery: Machinery Directive and Italian D. Lgs. 81/2008. Total Design. Product design specification. Cooperative and Eco-compliant Design. Design for “X” (specifically: Design for manufacturing and for assembly/disassembly). RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Reference book: De Paulis A., Manfredi E., Costruzione di macchine: Criteri di base e applicazioni principali, Pearson Italia - Milano, 2012 Additional suggested books: Shigley J.E., Progetto e costruzione di macchine, 2a ed., McGraw-Hill, 2009 Chirone, E., Tornincasa, S., Disegno tecnico industriale, Ed. Il Capitello - Torino, 2011 Medri G., Cenni di progettazione di prodotto, Liguori Editore, 2008 TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD ROBERTO RAZZOLI Ricevimento: The teacher is available for the students at the end of each lesson or via a MS Teams meeting. Exam Board MARGHERITA MONTI (President) GIOVANNI BERSELLI FRANCESCO CRENNA MATTIA FRASCIO ROBERTO RAZZOLI (President Substitute) LESSONS LESSONS START Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The exam includes a written test and an oral test. The written test consists of an exercise to be solved within 2 hours. During the test, only the use of the calculator is allowed. Smartphones have to be switched off. Those who obtain a score of at least 18/30 for the written test can access the oral exam. Those who do not pass the written test have to repeat it in any official scheduled date. The oral exam, which can be held within a calendar year after passing the written test, includes two questions: one on the topics of Machine Design and one for those of Machine Drafting. A failed oral exam does not invalidate the written test which can be reused in the future (within one year). The final mark is given by the average of the marks of the oral and written tests: if it is a decimal, it is rounded to the upper unit. ASSESSMENT METHODS The written test assesses the student's ability to: schematize a device by converting its elements to types that can be solved with algorithms (beams, plates, etc.) apply the appropriate constraints between the various elements and between them and the frame schematize the loads acting on the structure draw the characteristics of stress in specific sections identify the most stressed areas dimension the critical areas by choosing the right material unambiguously present the product, according to the European projections method The oral exam focuses on the topics faced during the lectures and aims to assess to which extent the student: has assimilated an adequate level of knowledge about the legislation has acquired the ability to logically face problems that will be posed during the test can illustrate theories and solve problems expresses his thinking clearly uses appropriate terminology uses a methodological approach oriented to manufacturing feasibility interprets and formulates principles related to the description of parts in a univocal, unambiguous and non-redundant manner Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 12/01/2023 09:30 LA SPEZIA Scritto 15/02/2023 09:30 LA SPEZIA Scritto 06/06/2023 09:30 LA SPEZIA Scritto 27/06/2023 09:30 LA SPEZIA Scritto 18/07/2023 09:30 LA SPEZIA Scritto 07/09/2023 09:30 LA SPEZIA Scritto