CODE 61200 ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 CREDITS 1 cfu anno 2 MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA 8745 (LM-41) - GENOVA LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 2° Semester TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW This course provides to the student a 20 hours-long direct experience in a biomedical research laboratoryThis course provides to the student a 25 hours-long direct experience in a biomedical research laboratory This course provides to the student a 20 hours-long direct experience in a biomedical research laborator AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES To know and to practice the most common methods used in biomedical research laboratories involved in pre-clinical and clinical projects. The student will be acquanted in analytical practices, biological dosages and in the production of experimental data AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The student will learn experimental practices mainly associated to the three scientific areas of the course: physiology, biochemistry and applied biology. In detail, the student will learn the biomedical techniques in use in the laboratory affiliated to the course chosen by the student. In particular: techniques used in genetic counseling, cellular and molecular biology techniques commonly used to investigate the molecular basis of diseases, tachniques commonly used for the biochemical investigation of metabolic diseases, microscopy techniques, analysis of tissue sections and biological samplesThe student will learn experimental practices mainly associated to the three scientific areas of the course: physiology, biochemistry and applied biology. In detail, the student will learn the biomedical techniques in use in the laboratory affiliated to the course chosen by the student. In particular: techniques used in genetic counseling, cellular and molecular biology techniques commonly used to investigate the molecular basis of diseases, tachniques commonly used for the biochemical investigation of metabolic diseases, microscopy techniques, analysis of tissue sections and biological samples.The student will learn experimental practices mainly associated to the three scientific areas of the course: physiology, biochemistry and applied biology. In detail, the student will learn the biomedical techniques in use in the laboratory affiliated to the course chosen by the student. In particular: techniques used in genetic counseling, cellular and molecular biology techniques commonly used to investigate the molecular basis of diseases, tachniques commonly used for the biochemical investigation of metabolic diseases, microscopy techniques, analysis of tissue sections and biological samples. TEACHING METHODS The course is composed by a 25 hours long research training in a laboratory directed by a biomedical scientist affiliated to the University of Genoa. The student choses the research lab preferred and take accord with the director of the lab in order to plan the period of attendance. During the course (that usually takes place in one week) the student interactes with the personnel of the research lab and is engaged in the experimental practices of the lab. At the end of the course, the head of the research staff evaluates the activity of the student and, if positive, he/she provides the coordinator of the course with an eligibility certificate that will be registered by the coordinator in the student's career. SYLLABUS/CONTENT The program is strictly dependent on the research area of the biomedical research laboratory chosen by the student. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY The student wil receive by the Research staff the appropriate material such as: Research articles, Reviewes, and book chapters. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD ALDO PAGANO Ricevimento: Scheduling an appointment (, Tel: 010-5558213) ANNA FASSIO Ricevimento: By appointment by email: PIERO RUGGERI FRANCO ONOFRI Ricevimento: Upon agreement with prof. Franco Onofri e-mail: tel: 010/3537967 ANNA MARGHERITA CORRADI Ricevimento: By appointment upon agreement by email SILVIA GIOVEDI' Ricevimento: By appointment by email: LAURA AVANZINO Ricevimento: Please contact the teacher by e-mail at PIETRO BALDELLI Ricevimento: By appointment by email: LAURA STURLA Ricevimento: By appointment by email: GIANLUCA DAMONTE Ricevimento: GIANLUCA DAMONTE: By appointment by email: MONICA AVERNA Ricevimento: Students can meet the teachers by booking individual appointments. The teacher can be contacted by e-mail. e mail: MARIO PASSALACQUA Ricevimento: Dr. Mario Passalacqua, Viale Benedetto Xv,1 16132 Genova Tel 010-3538128 e-mail: ROBERTA DE TULLIO Ricevimento: Students can meet the teacher by booking individual appointments. The teacher can be contacted either by e-mail or telephone. e-mail: phone: 010 3538160 If it is not possible to meet "in presence", the students will be helped online through interactive meetings. ELENA ZOCCHI Ricevimento: By appointment via email ( at DIMES, Viale Benedetto XV No. 1, first floor, Genova. SVEVA BOLLINI Ricevimento: Prof. Sveva Bollini office hours for students are normally set by previous appointment requested by email. The office address is: Biology Section, Dept. Experimental Medicine; entrance: Via Pastore 3 or Europa 30, second floor or Torre C3, c/o CBA, Cellular Oncology Lab, L. go R. Benzi 10, 16132 Genova. The lecturer's e-mail address and phone number are the following:; 0105558394. If necessary appointments may also take place on-line, depending on previous agreements between students and lecturer. CHIARA GENTILI Ricevimento: By appointment by email: SARA TAVELLA Ricevimento: by appointment by email: ROBERTA TASSO Ricevimento: Prof. Roberta Tasso: The office address is: Biology Section, Dept. Experimental Medicine; entrance: Via Pastore 3 or Europa 30, second floor. The teacher's e-mail address is the following: Alternatively, the teacher can be reached at the following phone number: 0105558394. If necessary, appointments may also take place on-line, depending on previous agreements between the students and the teacher. CLAUDIA CANTONI Ricevimento: Students have the possibility to contact the teacher by e-mail ( or by phone (010 56362845) and ask for an appointment. Address 1: Laboratorio di Immunologia Clinica e Sperimentale, Padiglione 2, Istituto G. Gaslini, L. go G. Gaslini 5 Address 2: Sezione di Patologia Generale - DIMES, Via L. Alberti, 2 GABRIELLA PIETRA Ricevimento: Students have the possibility to contact Gabriella Pietra by e-mail ( or by phone (010 5558219) and ask for an appointment. Address 1: Laboratorio di Immunologia CBA/ Pad 90, Largo Rosanna Benzi, 10, IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino Address 2: Sezione di Patologia Generale - DIMES, Via L. Alberti, 2 CHIARA VITALE Ricevimento: By e-mail : By phone : 010-5558219 CRISTINA BOTTINO Ricevimento: By appointment BARBARA MARENGO Ricevimento: The reception of the students is planned from monday to friday (9.30-17.00) , according to the needs and deadlines, by e-mail to the following address: The office is located at General Pathology Section - DIMES via LB Alberti 2- Genoa tel +39 010 3538831 ROBERTA RICCIARELLI Ricevimento: Students can contact the teacher at this address: SUSANNA PENCO Ricevimento: Contact by e-mail : or at the adress DIMES, sezione di patologia generale, via Leon Battista Alberti, 2., Genoa. GRAZIA MARIA SPAGGIARI Ricevimento: By appointment by email: SIMONA SIVORI Ricevimento: Student reception by appointment, contact the teacher via e-mail: ROBERTA CASTRICONI Ricevimento: Student reception by appointment, contact the teacher via e-mail: ALESSANDRA DONDERO Ricevimento: Student reception by appointment, contact the teacher via e-mail: MARIELLA DELLA CHIESA Ricevimento: Student reception by appointment, contact the teacher via e-mail: SILVIA PESCE Ricevimento: By appointment, contact Prof Silvia Pesce by e-mail EMANUELA MARCENARO Ricevimento: By appointment by e-mail: EMANUELA LUISA FAELLI Ricevimento: Upon agreement with the teacher Prof.ssa Emanuela Luisa Faelli mail: ( tel: 0103538184 studio: DIMES Viale Benedetto VX, number 3, (insitute of human physiology) MARCO BOVE AMBRA BISIO Ricevimento: Prof. Ambra Bisio: by appointment: e-mail ANGELO SCHENONE Ricevimento: Appointments may be required by sending an email message ( DIEGO FERONE Ricevimento: Every Thursday, from 11.00 to 12.00 pm, at the Department of Internal Medicine and Medical Sciences (DIMI) - 4° floor rear part of building- Viale Benedetto XV n.6 Genoa by booking through the e-mail addresses; or telephon number 010/3537955 (endocrinology secretary, Dr. Giusy Cosulich). GIAMPAOLA PESCE EVGENIYA PESHKOVA Ricevimento: By appointment by email: PIERLUIGI VALENTE Ricevimento: By appointment upon agreement by email PAOLO GIANNONI Ricevimento: Office hours for students are normally set on Tuesdays from 09:00 to 11:00. The office address is: Biology Section, Dept. Experimental medicine, Via Pastore 3 ( Europa 30), second floor. E-mail appointments are strongly encouraged. The teacher's e mail address is the following: Alternatively the teacher can be reached at the following phone number: 01035338201. On-line remote interviews can also be agreed, upon specific request. LORENZA PASTORINO ANTONIO PUCCETTI Ricevimento: By appointment by email: WILLIAM BRUNO Ricevimento: Prof. W. Bruno can be reached for an appointment by email ( The office address is: DIMI, II° floor, V.le Benedetto XV, 6. Online appointments (preferentially by Microsoft Teams platform) are offered. PAOLA GHIORZO Ricevimento: Make an appointment by e-mail, or telephone 0105557255. Address: DiMI; Viale Benedetto XV, 6. Secondo floor , room 206 KATIA CORTESE Ricevimento: By appointment via email SILVIA RAVERA Ricevimento: on request by emailing the lecturer ( Exam Board MARICA ARVIGO (President) LAURA AVANZINO (President) MONICA AVERNA (President) PIETRO BALDELLI (President) FABIO BENFENATI (President) SVEVA BOLLINI (President) CRISTINA BOTTINO (President) MARCO BOVE (President) WILLIAM BRUNO (President) SANTINA BRUZZONE (President) CLAUDIA CANTONI (President) ROBERTA CASTRICONI (President) ANNA MARGHERITA CORRADI (President) KATIA CORTESE (President) GIANLUCA DAMONTE (President) EMANUELA LUISA FAELLI (President) FRANCO FAIS (President) ANNA FASSIO (President) CHIARA GENTILI (President) PAOLA GHIORZO (President) FABIO GIUSEPPE GHIOTTO (President) PAOLO GIANNONI (President) SILVIA GIOVEDI' (President) EMANUELA MARCENARO (President) BARBARA MARENGO (President) FRANCO ONOFRI (President) ALDO PAGANO (President) MARIO PASSALACQUA (President) SUSANNA PENCO (President) LUISA PERASSO (President) GIAMPAOLA PESCE (President) ROBERTA RICCIARELLI (President) PIERO RUGGERI (President) DANIELE SAVERINO (President) SIMONA SIVORI (President) GRAZIA MARIA SPAGGIARI (President) LAURA STURLA (President) ROBERTA TASSO (President) SARA TAVELLA (President) PIERLUIGI VALENTE (President) CATERINA VALETTI (President) ELENA ZOCCHI (President) LESSONS LESSONS START The beginning of the second half of the academic year Class schedule LABORATORY TRAINING FOR PHYSICIANS EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The head of the research team (professor) verifies if the student reached a comprehensive view of the research work and provides the coordinator of the course with a certificate of eligibility of the student. ASSESSMENT METHODS The head of the research team (professor) interacts with the student very often and has the opportunity to verify its point of view and level of knowledge