CODE 67554 ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 CREDITS 1 cfu anno 5 MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA 8745 (LM-41) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR MED/20 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 2° Semester MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: PEDIATRICS TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW Pediatric surgery is a subspeciality of surgery involving neonatal surgery , treatment of infants, children, and adolescents. Pediatric surgery arose in the middle of the XX Century as the surgical care of birth defects. Common pediatric diseases that may require pediatric surgery include: congenital malformations, abdominal wall defects, ingut and foregut anomalies, genitalia, urologic malformations, and childhood tumors. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The educational goals in pediatric surgery is designed to develop cognitive knowledge, critical judgement on the surgical children’s diseases. It is important to development pediatric surgical semeiotics in order to obtain skills in order to recognize surgical conditions in children. During the pediatric surgery lessons the students are expected to gain an understanding of the basics of pediatric surgical concepts. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the Course the student should obtain sufficient skills to collect clinical data from pediatric patients. The student will compare the clinical evaluation with his/her knowlwdge on the surgical pediatric diseases. TEACHING METHODS Frontal lessons or by Teams plataform Seminars - Analysis of clinical cases Professional practice with the pediatric patients in small groups - Analysis of clinical cases SYLLABUS/CONTENT - The student have to demonstrate knowledge of the principal surgical congenital malformations (esophageal atresia, intestinal atresia, anorectal malformations, urogenital malformations, congenital diaphragmatic hernia) - The student have to demonstrate ability to recognize the principal causes of abdominal pain in the children. - The student have to demonstrate the ability to recognize the principal abdominal masses in the childhood referring to Neuroblastoma and Wilms tumor. - The student have to demonstrate the ability to recognize the principal clinical signs that determinate intestinal occlusion (Hirschsprung’s disease, intestinal atresia, meconium ileus, etc..) - The student have to demonstrate a correct knowledge about the surgical urgency of inguinal canal, acute scrotum (inguinal hernia, testicular torsion) and about the clinical problems of criptorchidism. - The student have to demonstrate a correct knowledge about the semeiology of the head trauma and politrauma. The student have to demonstrate to be able to recognize specific patterns of familial maltreatment. The student have to demonstrate knowledge of the principal surgical congenital malformations (esophageal atresia, intestinal atresia, anorectal malformations, urogenital malformations, congenital diaphragmatic hernia) The student have to demonstrate ability to recognize the principal causes of abdominal pain in the children. The student have to demonstrate the ability to recognize the principal abdominal masses in the childhood referring to Neuroblastoma and Wilms tumor. The student have to demonstrate the ability to recognize the principal clinical signs that determinate intestinal occlusion (Hirschsprung’s disease, intestinal atresia, meconium ileus, etc..) The student have to demonstrate a correct knowledge about the surgical urgency of inguinal canal, acute scrotum (inguinal hernia, testicular torsion) and about the clinical problems of criptorchidism. The student have to demonstrate a correct knowledge about the semeiology of the head trauma and politrauma. The student have to demonstrate to be able to recognize specific patterns of familial maltreatment. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Two links are suggested: the Web Hall, and a link on pediatric surgery : The best Test Books could are: “Pediatric Surgery” Jay L. Grosfeld Ed. or ,“ Pediatria Essenziale “ Burgio et al Ed. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD GIROLAMO MATTIOLI MICHELE TORRE Exam Board PASQUALE STRIANO (President) CARLO BELLINI CLAUDIO BRUNO ANDREA CALANDRINO Rosaria Casciaro ALESSANDRO CONSOLARO GIUSEPPE D'ANNUNZIO ELISA DE GRANDIS NATASCIA DI IORGI CHIARA FIORILLO ROBERTO GASTALDI MARCO GATTORNO MOHAMAD MAGHNIE MARIA MARGHERITA MANCARDI GIROLAMO MATTIOLI LINO NOBILI GIUSEPPA PATTI ALDAMARIA PULITI LUCA ANTONIO RAMENGHI ANGELO RAVELLI MARIA CRISTINA SCHIAFFINO MICHELE TORRE STEFANO VOLPI CLARA MALATTIA (President and Coordinator of Integrated Course) LESSONS Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Any simulation , with the hypothesis that the student is practicing outpatient activity in front of a child with acute surgical illness or other problem. Moreover the student has to answer and show that he / she has sufficient knowledge on the main disorders that were discussed during the learning procedures, the answer and discussion will be addressed on diagnostic aspects. The mark of 18/30 is the minimum in order to pass the examination. The student who obtains the maximum mark of 30/30 or 30/30 and laude can show that his / her knowledge are excellent. The result and the mark are dependent on; a) capacity of the student of develop correlations between on aspect and on other in surgical pediatric pathology; b) excellent presentation; c) competence in the field; d) use of correct technical terms. The remote mode via the Teams platform could be chosen by the Dean ASSESSMENT METHODS - Oral exam including questions about surgical pediatric diseases related to the teaching course - Possible introduction of written multiple choice test (6 answers in 8 minutes, total). The mark of 18/30 is the minimum in order to pass the examination. The student who obtains the maximum mark of 30/30 or 30/30 and laude can show that his / her knowledge are excellent. The result and the mark are dependent on; a) capacity of the student of develop correlations between on aspect and on other in surgical pediatric pathology; b) excellent presentation; c) competence in the field; d) use of correct technical terms. FURTHER INFORMATION Prof. Giuseppe Martucciello in charge of the Pediatric Surgery Course for the School of Medicine and Surgery can be contacted via email: or