CODE 58023 ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 CREDITS 1 cfu anno 2 MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA 8745 (LM-41) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR M-PSI/01 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 2° Semester MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: HUMAN SCIENCES TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW The main objective of the course is the development of a critical skill in order to being able to relate the basic studies of psychology through the knowledge of the functioning of the psychological functions of the man. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Gaining knowledge on the principles behavioural and emotional analysis is based on, in order to develop a capacity of self-evaluation and an experience in the relationship-communication field. Ability to recognize the main behavioural risk factors as cause of social distress and identify the characteristics of different human groups. Gaining communicative and social skills, both for the doctor-patient relationship and for istitutional relationship. Define the theoretical framework of health and illness with particular attention to the psychologic background and the psychosocial component. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES Knowing the origin of scientific psychology, methodology of psychological reseatch, cognitive system. Specifically, cognitive functions and their relationship. Knowing sensation, perception, learning (classic and operating conditioning), coscience and attention functions, systems and processes of memory, communication and language, motivation and emotions. Owning descriptive and analytical skills on the centrality of human psychological processes. Being able to understand, from a psychological viewpoint, the behaviour of man. TEACHING METHODS lectures, seminars, focus groups SYLLABUS/CONTENT Historical collocation of the founding figures of psychology as scientific discipline such as: Fechner, Pavlov, Vygotskij, Thorndike, Watson and the theorits of Gestalt. Measurements of psychic phenomenons. Psychophysics. Anatomy and plasticity of the brain. Auditive and visual perception. Imagination, attention and coscience. Conditioning. Memory and oblivion. Verbal and non-verbal communication. Language and its disorders. Origin and evolution of language. Intelligence. Arousal, emotions and Appraisal. Empathy and medicine path Laboratory of Narrative Medicine in which are asked four contributes to the student, that describe a condition observed in friends, acquaintances, relatives or in the internship period. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Daniel L. Schacter, Daniel T. Gilbert, Daniel M. Wegner Psicologia generale Trad. di E. Alessandrini, E. Frezza, S. Ferraresi, G. Zunica, rev. di E. Frezza 2010 TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD NICOLA GIOVANNI GIRTLER Exam Board GIANLUCA DAMONTE (President) NICOLA GIOVANNI GIRTLER (President) CARLO PESCE (President) ANTONIO GUERCI ROSAGEMMA CILIBERTI (President and Coordinator of Integrated Course) LESSONS LESSONS START march 2018 Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Handing of the four compositions made in the Narrative Medicine laboratory, to verify the eligibility of access to the exam. The exam will be a written test with muptiple choice answers. An oral test will follow on request of the student. ASSESSMENT METHODS The assessment takes place only through the final oral examination, which seeks to determine the effective acquisition by the student of the expected learning outcomes. Students, therefore, to pass the exam, achieving a vote of no less than 18/30, must demonstrate the knowledge and skills contained in the Educational Goals defined above (see Section 2). The following contribute, therefore, to the final mark out of thirty: - Ability to transverse and critically deal with the required arguments; - Fairness, clarity, synthesis and exhibiting fluidity; - Mastery of the subject; - Adoption of appropriate terminology. Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 16/01/2024 14:00 GENOVA Scritto 06/02/2024 09:00 GENOVA Scritto 28/02/2024 14:00 GENOVA Scritto 10/04/2024 14:00 GENOVA Scritto 11/06/2024 14:00 GENOVA Scritto 10/07/2024 14:00 GENOVA Scritto 17/09/2024 14:00 GENOVA Scritto 10/10/2024 14:00 GENOVA Compitino Aula Infolinguistica, Polo didattico Alberti - 3° piano, via Alberti L.B. 4, GENOVA 14/10/2024 14:00 GENOVA Compitino Aula Infolinguistica, Polo didattico Alberti - 3° piano, via Alberti L.B. 4, GENOVA