CODE 67365 ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 CREDITS 5 cfu anno 3 MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA 8745 (LM-41) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR MED/18 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 1° Semester MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW Semeiotics and Clinical-Surgical Methodology is closely integrated with the homonymous component of medical-internistic interest. The teaching, more specifically, provides the student with the basics of the "decision-making process in the surgical patient", so in an emergency situation and urgency, as in non-emergency situations, with the acquisition of skills and the autonomous ability to correctly carry out the path from the symptoms and signs to the diagnosis. AIMS AND CONTENT AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES With more specific reference to Semeiotics and Clinical - Surgical Methodology, the student is required to progressively acquire the cognitive tools, methodology and behavior, enabling them to: • Understand the etiology, epidemiology, risk factors and pathophysiology of the clinical picture in question for a correct differential diagnosis ; • Recognize the clinical manifestations of surgical diseases, through the proper collection of the clinical history and the correct application of the objective exam ; • Know how to develop a basic differential diagnosis through a logical interpretation of the diagnostic laboratory, radiological, and instrumental exams ; • Understand the principles of surgical or non-surgical management of the clinical case ; • To be able to give a correct prognosis for surgical treatment of the case and how to prevent possible complications. TEACHING METHODS TEACHING METHODS - Plenary Lectures in Classroom - Training Seminars - Educational / Professional Training (for small groups of students) on the Hospital Ward, in Outpatient Clinics, and in the Operating Room / Radiological – Instrumental Diagnostics -Training Exercises at the Center for Advanced Simulation (CSA) Attendance is mandatory, with distributed hours, according to the type of activities and in relation to the Educational Credits (CFU) provided for the 3rd Year - 1st Semester for the Discipline of General Surgery MED / 18 - Integrated Course of Semeiotica and Clinical Methodology: 5 CFU, of which 2 CFUP (1 CFU = 25 hours). The detailed Calendar of Educational Activities is specified, each academic year, in the Student Guide published online. SYLLABUS/CONTENT - History in the Surgical Patient - Physical Examination: A) Regional (head, neck, chest, abdomen and limbs), B) Organ / System, with particular reference to Semeiotics (Physical and Instrumental), to the Diseases of the Arteries, the Veins and the Lymphatics (Lymphedemas and their differential diagnosis), to Abdominal Pain, to Painful Abdominal Points, to the Abdominal Objective Exam (in General) and to the Acute Abdomen. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY TEXTBOOKS / BIBLIOGRAPHY Bellantone R., De Toma G., Montorsi M. (Eds), Chirurgia Generale, Metodologia – Patologia – Clinica Chirurgica - Edizioni Minerva Medica, Torino, 2009 Townsend C., Beauchamp RD., Evers BM., Mattox KL., Sabiston Textbook of Surgery: The Biological Basis of Modern Surgical Practice. 19th Ed. Elsevier, Philadelphia, USA, 2012. Basile F., Bellatone R., Biondi A., Di Candio G., Dionigi G., Docimo L., Lombardi CP. (Eds), Manuale di Semeiotica e Metodologia Chirurgica – EDRA LSWR Spa, Milano, 2014 Additional material is made available to Students through the Portal AulaWeb. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD MARCO CASACCIA FRANCESCO BOCCARDO MICHELE MINUTO EMANUELA VARALDO GIACOMO BORGONOVO Ricevimento: Giacomo Borgonovo will receive students on phone n 01035357335 or, preferably, by previous appointment by mail at: DANIELE FRIEDMAN GIANCARLO TORRE CLAUDIO LAUNO LUIGI DE SALVO GIOVANNI BATTISTA SECCO LUCIANO MORESCO ENRICO PARODI GIOVANNI D'AMBROSIO MASSIMO STEFANO CORDONE Ricevimento: Contact by email: CARLO BARABINO SALVATORE PALERMO MARIO VALENZANO MENADA Ricevimento: The teacher received after agreement by email ( MARCO GIAMBUZZI Exam Board GABRIELE ZOPPOLI (President) ROSAGEMMA CILIBERTI (President Substitute) EMANUELA VARALDO (President Substitute) ELENA ZOCCHI (President Substitute) LESSONS Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION As far as the part of the exam specifically Surgical is concerned, after the preliminary written exam (Multiple Choice Quiz) and the subsequent practical evaluation at the Center for Advanced Simulation, a final oral exam is planned, with discussion of the history and physical examination performed on a real clinical case assigned to the student to prepare, present and discuss in the moment of the exam, always taking into account the indissoluble integration between the Medical-Internistic and Surgical components. ASSESSMENT METHODS EVALUATION METHODS To pass the exam, the student must demonstrate that they have completed all of the various sequential stages of the exam until the conclusion of the oral part, achieving a vote of no less than 18/30, and thus showing that they have the knowledge and skills listed in the Educational Goals defined above (see Section 2). The following contribute, therefore, to the final mark out of thirty: - Ability to transverse and critically deal with the required arguments; - Fairness, clarity, synthesis and exhibiting fluidity; - Mastery of the subject; - Adoption of appropriate terminology. The vote of 30/30 cum laude, will be eventually granted where the knowledge / skills of the subject are excellent. FURTHER INFORMATION FURTHER INFORMATION For further details, it is recommended to consult the web page: Non-attending students will be able to communicate their possible requirements concerning only the General Surgery part of Teaching, at the following email address: Reception and Counselling Mode for Students: Wednesday / Friday, from 11.00 am to noon, at the Chair of Director Prof. Corradino Campisi, “Pad. Ex. Isolamento, I° piano / ponente, IRCCS AOU San Martino – IST” National Institute for Cancer Research, Genoa, with a prior phone advisement to one of the following numbers: 010- 555 4292 / Cell. 338 1 71 80 67