CODE 67520 ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 CREDITS 6 cfu anno 5 MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA 8745 (LM-41) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR MED/09 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 2° Semester SECTIONING Questo insegnamento è diviso nelle seguenti frazioni: A B PREREQUISITES Propedeuticità in ingresso Per sostenere l'esame di questo insegnamento è necessario aver sostenuto i seguenti esami: MEDICINE AND SURGERY 8745 (coorte 2019/2020) DERMATOLOGY, CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY AND RHEUMATOLOGY 67377 2019 CARDIOLOGY AND PNEUMOLOGY 67384 2019 GU TRACT AND ENDOCRINE DISEASES 67391 2019 PHARMACOLOGY II 67398 2019 INFECTIOUS DISEASES AND CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY 67402 2019 GI TRACT DISEASES 67415 2019 HAEMATOLOGY AND MEDICAL ONCOLOGY 67431 2019 MEDICAL RADIOLOGY 80810 2019 PATOLOGY 80811 2019 MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: MEDICINE TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB AIMS AND CONTENT AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the course, the student must be able to know the first approach to the patient with all the diseases of internal medicine and to define the subsequent diagnostic pathway, both clinical and laboratory, and the prognosis. Among the specific skills he/she has to be able to: - Treat the differential diagnosis of the main features of the diseases of internal medicine, such as pain, fever, central nervous system alterations, circulatory, respiratory and gastrointestinal problems, blood and endocrine problems, immunological and rheumatological manifestations. - Discuss in an interactive way the differential diagnosis of real or simulated clinical cases - Evaluate all the laboratory results - Evaluate the results of radiological, scintigraphic and ultrasound imaging - Define a short and/or long-term strategy of the main illnesses with an addition of a therapeutic approach - Discuss in an interactive way the possible diagnostic and therapeutic decisions (decision making) in real or simulated clinical cases - Prepare a rational request of imaging and laboratory exams, and of a specialist visit - Prepare a clinical report and a discharge letter - Discuss with a patient the advantages and risks of a treatment - Inform the patient and the relatives about diagnosis of serious illnesses and related treatments - Collect the clinical history and make the clinical exam in outpatients or patients at home in the setting of the general practitioner. Identify the active problems in an outpatient. TEACHING METHODS The learning contents will be provided through: Lessons in the lecture hall Seminars about clinical cases Practices for groups of students Weekly periods in wards Presentation of clinical cases by the students Overall teaching will be organized in 40 hours of lessons, 20 hours of seminars and practices for small groups, 40 hours of attendance in the wards SYLLABUS/CONTENT To deal with the differential diagnosis of the main features of diseases in internal medicine: - Pain - Fever - Weight decrease - Central nervous system manifestations (syncope, confusion, coma) - Changes in circulatory and respiratory functions (dyspnea, hypoxia, cough, haemoptysis, oedema, arrhythmias, shock) - Changes in gastrointestinal functions (hyporexia, dysphagia, constipation, dyarrhea, gastrointestinal bleeding, jaundice, ascites) and haemotology (problems at the 3 lines of blood cells, lymphoadenomegaly, splenomegaly) - Changes in kidney functions and electrolyte levels - Rheumatological diseases - Bone diseases, endocrine and metabolic diseases, nutrition problems - Neoplastic syndromes - Main infectious diseases To evaluate the laboratory exams To evaluate imaging, endoscopic, cardiological and respiratory results RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY AA.VV.-Goldman’s Cecil Medicine. Saunders (24thEdition, 2012) AA.VV.-Harrison’s. Principi di Medicina Interna. McGraw -Hill (19° Edizione, 2015) Rugarli C.-Medicina Interna Sistematica. Ed. Masson (5aEdizione, 2005) Bartoli E.-Medicina Interna: Metodologia, Semeiotica, Fisiopatologia, Clinica, Terapia medica. RAHP (1aEdizione, 2010) TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD ALDO PENDE Ricevimento: After e-mail ( contact for an appointment. ROBERTA GONELLA GIOVANNA LEONCINI ALESSIO NENCIONI MASSIMO CASU ALBERTO BALLESTRERO FEDERICO CARBONE DAVIDE BEDOGNETTI ANNA DA COL Exam Board GILBERTO FILACI (President) ALESSIO NENCIONI (President) FRANCESCO TORRE (President) FEDERICO CARBONE MASSIMO CASU ANNA DA COL FABIO FERRANDO ROBERTA GONELLA GIOVANNA LEONCINI LUCA LIBERALE FABRIZIO MONTECUCCO GIUSEPPE MURDACA SIMONE NEGRINI NICOLA TRAVERSO GABRIELE ZOPPOLI ALDO PENDE (President and Coordinator of Integrated Course) LESSONS LESSONS START In agreement with the calendar of the School Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Oral discussion of clinical cases. Usually 2 questions from different teachers. ASSESSMENT METHODS The assessment of the preparation of the students occurs with a final exam which aims to evaluate the real acquisition of the necessary knowledges. The student to pass the exam must be able to obtain a numerical evaluation not lower than 18/30 demonstrating: - The knowledge of the main diseases in internal medicine - The ability to propose a diagnosis, to suggest the necessary exams and to evaluate the results The final vote is the sum of: - Skills in differential diagnosis - Clearness and synthesis of the reasoning - Fluency of exposition and knowledge of the correct terms The maximum vote is 30/30 cum laude Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 10/01/2024 14:30 GENOVA Orale 31/01/2024 14:30 GENOVA Orale 21/02/2024 14:30 GENOVA Orale 17/04/2024 14:50 GENOVA Orale 05/06/2024 14:30 GENOVA Orale 19/06/2024 14:30 GENOVA Orale 10/07/2024 14:30 GENOVA Orale 18/09/2024 14:30 GENOVA Orale