CODE 67557 ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 CREDITS 1 cfu anno 5 MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA 8745 (LM-41) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR MED/39 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 2° Semester MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: PEDIATRICS TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW See the integrated course of pediatrics AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES See the integrated course of pediatrics AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The teaching aims to - provide students with the basics of child neuropsychiatry - provide students with a general understanding of psychomotor, cognitive and emotional development and of the interaction between biological, psychological, family and socio-environmental aspects - to introduce the issues related to the main disorders in Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatry, with particular reference to Intellectual Disabilities, Infantile Cerebral Palsy, Developmental Epilepsies, Febrile Convulsions, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Food Behavior Disorders, anxiety, mood, thought and in general psychic distress, especially in adolescence - have students acquire neurological and psychiatric evaluation skills in developmental age, related to psychomotor, cognitive and relational development; skills in the field of global and multidisciplinary care and in interventions on the problems, also aimed at activating the early recognition of the disorders, the prevention of disability and the promotion of mental health. EXPECTED LEARNING RESULTS At the end of the course the student will be able to • know the basic elements of child neuropsychiatry, know the basic elements of the main psychopathological disorders in the Neuropsychiatry of infancy and adolescence, with particular reference to Intellectual Disabilities, Infantile Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy and Developmental epileptic syndromes, Febrile convulsions, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Food conduct Disorders, disorders of anxiety, mood, thought and disorders about general characteristics of mental illness • classify the main clinical forms • understand the principles of disorders treatment in Child Neuropsychiatry, with particular attention to disability and mental disorders, with a view to planning therapeutic interventions and qualifications • recognize the disorders in question, especially at an early stage • analytically describe the related signs and symptoms • apply the main diagnostic and therapeutic criteria • critically evaluate the pathogenic factors in the role • to distinguish these disorders from similar forms, in differential diagnosis • building the bases of diagnostic-therapeutic-care pathways and outlining the basic principles of multidisciplinary care, the early recognition of disorders, the prevention of disability and the promotion of mental health • explain to the families and, to the extent practicable, the problems and the diagnostic-therapeutic approach to be implemented. TEACHING METHODS Lectures with space for interactivity, awareness raising increasing of observation skills, continuous training and EBM practices SYLLABUS/CONTENT Psychomotor and emotional development Intellectual Disabilities Infantile Cerebral Palsy Epilepsies and epileptic syndromes of the developmental age; febrile convulsions Problems related to disorders of anxiety, mood, thought Autism Spectrum Disorders Eating behavior disorders Neurological and neuropsychiatric evaluation in childhood under different conditions RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Maurizio de Negri “Neuropsichiatria dell’età evolutiva” Ed. Piccin, Padova, 2004. Slides of lessons, to supplement the text. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD ELISA DE GRANDIS Ricevimento: by appointment with secretariat tel 010.56362432 or by e-mail contact.;, LINO NOBILI Ricevimento: CHIARA FIORILLO Exam Board PASQUALE STRIANO (President) CARLO BELLINI CLAUDIO BRUNO ANDREA CALANDRINO Rosaria Casciaro ALESSANDRO CONSOLARO GIUSEPPE D'ANNUNZIO ELISA DE GRANDIS NATASCIA DI IORGI CHIARA FIORILLO ROBERTO GASTALDI MARCO GATTORNO MOHAMAD MAGHNIE MARIA MARGHERITA MANCARDI GIROLAMO MATTIOLI LINO NOBILI GIUSEPPA PATTI ALDAMARIA PULITI LUCA ANTONIO RAMENGHI ANGELO RAVELLI MARIA CRISTINA SCHIAFFINO MICHELE TORRE STEFANO VOLPI CLARA MALATTIA (President and Coordinator of Integrated Course) LESSONS LESSONS START II semester, from April 2019 Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION A Oral. Score (18-30) is attributed according to the degree of knowledge and training acquired, as indicated by C.I. of Pediatrics. ASSESSMENT METHODS The exam is conducted in order to verify the achievement of the expected learning outcomes: ability to apply knowledge through the use of operational tools, communication skills through oral examination, start-up of interdisciplinary work training and the specific role, development the ability to insight through experience. FURTHER INFORMATION The course is held in the second semester of the second year through lectures that use slide and videotape projections and stimulate interactivity. Verification of learning takes place in oral form as part of the verification of the integrated course in which the discipline is part. The teaching material is provided by the teacher and made available on AulaWeb.