CODE 87038 ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 CREDITS 6 cfu anno 2 AMMINISTRAZIONE E POLITICHE PUBBLICHE 8772 (LM-63) - GENOVA 6 cfu anno 1 PEDAGOGIA, PROGETTAZIONE E RICERCA EDUCATIVA 9922 (LM-85) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR SPS/07 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 1° Semester MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: DESIGN AND EVALUATION OF SOCIAL AND EDUCATIONAL POLICIES TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW Design and evaluate interventions requires to professionals of education and training peculiar modes of reasoning, mastery of technical languages and specific skills, ability to work with other figures. The course provides students with knowledge and skills for: needs analysis, design and evaluation of interventions in education field and social work and the opportunity to experience some techniques and tools under the supervision of the teacher. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The main learning outcomes are: provide students with models for the analysis of social contexts of intervention, knowledge and technical skills relevant to design and evaluate of interventions in the education, training and social work; present to the students and make them experience some techniques and tools used in the design and evaluation of interventions in these areas. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. To learn the basic methodological skills necessary for the construction of a social research design, the choice of approaches and techniques, the construction of tools.. 2. Possess methodological and technical knowledge and skills useful for the planning and evaluation of training and social interventions. 3. Experiment with typical techniques and tools for planning and evaluatiion of training and social interventions. 4. Deepen the fundamental concepts of evaluation and know their implications in terms of method and techniques. 5. Possess specific knowledge on social policies and their evolution in the Italian welfare state. TEACHING METHODS Lectures, presentation and critical discussion of case studies, working group under the supervision of the teacher. SYLLABUS/CONTENT The course includes the discussion of various topics: - social needs and Welfare: general concepts; needs analysis, problems and their causes; - training and social policies: general concepts and normative of reference. - Models, techniques and tools for the design of interventions; - Design and conduct of evaluation research. and direct experimentation by students of analytical and planning techniques commonly used in the design and evaluation of interventions in education and social field. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Ferrera M. (ed), 2019, Le politiche sociali. Terza edizione, Il Mulino, Bologna. Palumbo M. Il processo di valutazione. Decidere, programmare, valutare. FrancoAngeli, Milano (capitoli 2, 3, 4) Materials made available on Aulaweb. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD STEFANO POLI Ricevimento: From Monday to Thursday 12: 00-14: 00 by previous appointment through e-mail to In case of impossibility to receive students in attendance it will be adopted the Teams platform. CLAUDIO TORRIGIANI Ricevimento: By appointment, after sending an email to, at the DISFOR, Corso Podestà, 2, 3rd floor room 3A6 or on the Teams platform. Exam Board CLAUDIO TORRIGIANI (President) VALERIA SILVIA PANDOLFINI (President Substitute) STEFANO POLI (President Substitute) LESSONS LESSONS START First semester Class schedule METHODS AND TECHNOLOGIES OF THE EVALUATION OF THE SOCIAL AND FORMATIVE POLITICS EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Written test ASSESSMENT METHODS Through the written test, the teacher verifies the student's acquisition of the fundamental concepts dealt with during the course, the ability to relate them to each other, the mastery of notions and technical language. Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 11/01/2024 10:00 GENOVA Scritto Gentili Studentesse e Studenti, l'appello di domani 11 gennaio si terrà presso il Disfor corso Podestà 2, in aula 2 ore 10.00 Cordiali saluti Claudio Torrigiani 25/01/2024 10:00 GENOVA Scritto 08/02/2024 10:00 GENOVA Scritto 23/05/2024 10:00 GENOVA Scritto Aula 2 presso il DISFOR, Corso Podestà, 2 06/06/2024 10:00 GENOVA Scritto DISFOR, Corso Andrea Podestà, 2, Aula 4 21/06/2024 10:00 GENOVA Scritto 04/07/2024 10:00 GENOVA Scritto 12/09/2024 10:00 GENOVA Scritto Aula 3 DISFOR - Corso Podestà, 2 FURTHER INFORMATION For students with disabilities and specific learning disabilities: