CODE 108603 ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 CREDITS 6 cfu anno 1 CONSERVAZIONE E GESTIONE DELLA NATURA 10589 (LM-60) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR BIO/05 TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 1° Semester MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: CONSERVATION BIOLOGY TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The active participation to frontal lessons, seminars, field activities and individual study will allow students to: - appraise the fundamental concepts, principles and terminology of conservation biology - appraise the history and role of protected areas and the IUCN classification of protected areas - appraise the main international laws on biodiversity conservation (Convention on Biological Diversity; Washinton Convention, Ramsar Convention, Bonn Comvention) - appraise the main European laws on biodiversity conservation (Habitats Direttive 92/43/EEC, Birds Direttive 79/409/EEC) - appraise the main national lows on protected areas i (L. 394/93) - assess the main threats to biodiversity; - apply disciplinary principles and practices to simple conservation scenarios. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The active participation to frontal lessons, seminars, field activities and individual study will allow students to: - appraise the fundamental concepts, principles and terminology of conservation biology - appraise the history and role of protected areas and the IUCN classification of protected areas - appraise the main international laws on biodiversity conservation (Convention on Biological Diversity; Washinton Convention, Ramsar Convention, Bonn Comvention) - appraise the main European laws on biodiversity conservation (Habitats Direttive 92/43/EEC, Birds Direttive 79/409/EEC) - appraise the main national lows on protected areas i (L. 394/93) - assess the main threats to biodiversity; - apply disciplinary principles and practices to simple conservation scenarios TEACHING METHODS This module is composed by frontal lessons for about 36 hours, self teaching by means of JoVE videos and practical field activities for 12/14hours. Field activities are always led by the official teacher. SYLLABUS/CONTENT Introduction (structure and contents; Aul@web and other teaching resources; JoVE; relevance of field activities; exams) Introduction to Conservation Biology The concept of Protected area and its evolution IUCN classification of Protected areas International conventions (Rio de Janeiro), European laws (Habitat Directive 92/43/CEE, Birds Directive 79/409) and national laws (L. 394/93) Detaile analysis of Habitat Directive: article 6 and applications Habitat Directive 92/43/CEE and the Ecological network Natura 2000 Threats to Biodiversity Population genetics and extinctions Clinate change and biodiversity conservation Il ruolo della human dimension RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Slides will be available from Aul@web. Textbook: Primack eand Boitani. Conservazion biology (2013). Zanichelli. (available from UNIGE library)- Texts of internationa convantion, UE Directives, national laws and open access scientific papers will be avialable from Aul@web. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD SEBASTIANO SALVIDIO Ricevimento: Teacher available on request. Exam Board ANDREA COSTA (President) SEBASTIANO SALVIDIO (President) LESSONS Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The exam is closely integrated with the WILDLIFE MONITORING module. Students will be divided into working groups of 2 or 3 members and will have to prepare three assignments: Each group will be assigned a scientific article related to the topics of the course. Students must prepare and present a presentation on the assigned article and conduct/moderate a debate involving other students and lecturers. Each group will be assigned the design of a monitoring plan for a species included in the Habitats Directive and occurring within a specific protected area. Each group must design the monitoring plan within the assigned study area and include the use of the most appropriate monitoring techniques for the assigned case. Each group will write a paper (approximately 10 pages) detailing the monitoring plan and justifying the choice of techniques used. Taking into account the methods proposed in point 2, the lecturers will assign a dataset consistent with the project and suitable for analysis using one or more techniques presented during the course. Students must then analyze the data provided by the lecturers, prepare a presentation, and present the results. ASSESSMENT METHODS Assessment methods are explained in the first introductory lesson, which is available, like all the others, on Aul@web. Each student's assignment is evaluated by both lecturers, who assess the development of critical and proactive skills in each assignment through a written questionnaire followed by a discussion with the students. Agenda 2030 - Sustainable Development Goals Clean water and sanitation Climate action Life on land OpenBadge PRO3 - Soft skills - Alfabetica base 1 - A