CODE 34967 ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 CREDITS 5 cfu anno 1 BIOLOGIA ED ECOLOGIA MARINA 10723 (LM-6) - GENOVA 5 cfu anno 1 BIOLOGIA ED ECOLOGIA MARINA 10723 (LM-75) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR GEO/02 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 1° Semester TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW Marine Geology provides knowledge on the genesis and evolution of marine areas, on the growth of ocean basins and the adjacent continental margins and coasts. Marine Geology plays a fundamental role in the study of Marine Sciences. It provides knowledge on the nature and dynamics of sea basins on the main methods of investigation of marine and coastal environments through the treatment of case studies on various geoenvironmental issues made in the Italian seas, particularly in the Ligurian Sea. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Provide the theoretical aspects related to the geological and environmental evolution of marine areas, deepening the knowledge on the genesis and development of basins and continental margins, with particular reference to the Western Mediterranean and the Ligurian Sea. Provide an understanding of the applicative aspects (prospecting, sampling, seismo-stratigraphy, integrated coastal planning, coastal protection and mitigation of risks, etc.) through the analysis of case studies and representations of geological and thematic cartography (hints of GIS applications). AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES Participation in the training activities aims to acquire knowledge on the processes that govern the genesis and evolution of sea basins that allow the student to frame the geological structure of Italian marine areas, particularly regarding its recent evolution and the geo-environmental processes in the act. The student will assimilate knowledge of the applicative aspects of Marine Geology by describing the various survey methodologies (surface and deep seismic prospecting, sampling, analysis and digital cartographic processing). The student will be able to indicate the types of specific surveys in the various geo-environmental applications through the discussion and analysis of case studies carried out in the context of national and regional monitoring, development and sustainability projects of the marine territory (characterization for high resolution of the seabed and marine substrate in-shore and off-shore, elements of geo-hazard and related geo-environmental risks, marine geo-resources, etc.). Specifically, the student will be able to: • know and describe the geological evolution and sedimentary dynamics of sea basins and coastal areas; • identify and illustrate the geological and sedimentary dynamics responsible for the structure of the seabed; • know and describe the various surface and deep marine survey methodologies and propose and identify the most appropriate types based on the specific geo-environmental application. PREREQUISITES Basic knowledge of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Geology and Cartography. TEACHING METHODS The module consists of lectures and exercises in the classroom and on the field. Multimedia presentations will support the lectures in the classroom. For the first semester, the lessons will be carried out, if possible, in person while guaranteeing the use of lectures even at a distance, through video connections and video recording, synchronous and asynchronous. The laboratory exercises will be organized, if possible, in the presence, possibly with more shifts. All the activities in the presence will comply with the capacity limits of the classrooms/laboratories and the spacing provided for by the current legislation following the COVID19 emergency. SYLLABUS/CONTENT Geologic evolution of marine areas: evolution of continental margins and ocean basins; seabed physiography; physiographic and geological setting of the Italian seas; origin and evolution of the Ligurian Sea. Methods of marine geology study: seabed prospecting; sediment sampling; seismic-stratigraphy; software applications for 3D views and interpretations of geoenvironmental data and digital habitat mapping. Application aspects of marine geology: seism-stratigraphy of continental shelves and basin areas; dynamics of quaternary and current sedimentation (shelf and basin);. Geo-environmental characterization of the seabed, identification and analysis of geo-hazard and geo-resource elements (erosion, landslides, fluid ascents, infrastructures, extreme events, marine sediment quarries); habitat mapping of specific biocoenoses (seagrass meadows); discussion and analysis of concrete case studies carried out in the Italian seas and in particular in the Ligurian Sea. Evolution of the coastal strip: relationships between geological evolution and regional coastal depositional systems; study methods (survey and sampling) and seabed evolution: regional coastal structures (examples taken from regional and thematic geological maps, from the Atlas of Italian Beaches). RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Marine Geology, James Kennett, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, USA. Materiali didattici forniti nel corso delle lezioni. Additional teaching materials provided by the lecturer also in English. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD DANILO MORELLI Ricevimento: The students' reception will be arranged directly with the lecturer Exam Board DANILO MORELLI (President) MARCO FERRARI PAOLA CIANFARRA (President Substitute) NICOLA CORRADI (President Substitute) MICHELE PIAZZA (Substitute) LESSONS LESSONS START For lessons start and timetable go to the link: Please check the module Aulaweb page for timetable updates dependent on the sanitary and epidemic situation. Class schedule MARINE GEOLOGY EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Oral. ASSESSMENT METHODS The exam will focus on oral presentation and discussion of topics covered during lectures and exercises in the classroom and on the field. The ability to present the topics with specific terminology and apply the knowledge and skills acquired in concrete cases will be assessed. The questions may also concern the explanation of illustration and discussion of images and diagrams. Furthermore, the candidate will exhibit and discuss (supported by original digital texts and/or presentations) specific insights on topics covered in the module and of particular interest for the personal maturation of specific scientific-professional skills. Details on how to prepare for the exam and the degree of in-depth study required for each topic will be provided during the lessons.