CODE 72759 ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 CREDITS 1 cfu anno 2 SCIENZE RIABILITATIVE DELLE PROFESSIONI SANITARIE 9285 (LM/SNT2) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR SECS-P/02 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 2° Semester MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: HEALTH MANAGEMENT TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB AIMS AND CONTENT AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The course aims to provide students with the basic elements useful for understanding the functioning of the organization of companies and other social institutions. The course aims to provide students with the basic elements useful for understanding the functioning of the organization of companies and other social institutions through all the methods of analysis of organizational and management processes within the NHS. The course aims to: 1. Provide students with the basic elements useful for understanding the functioning of the organization of companies and other social institutions; 2. provide organizational planning criteria and tools applicable at the level of the companies operating within the National Health Service. At the end of the course, the student will be able to know, critically evaluate, distinguish, analytically describe and explain the functioning of a company's organization through the methods of analysis of organizational and managerial processes acquired. TEACHING METHODS The course is held in the second academic semester through lectures that will make use of slide projections available on Aulaweb and discussions on in-depth topics. SYLLABUS/CONTENT 1. The company system. The object of the company organization Definitions: organization, firm, enterprise, system. Corporate balance. The possible legal forms of enterprise. The fundamental variables: organizational structure, organizational power, operational mechanisms. Organizational models and corporate resources (human, technical, financial). 2. The organizational structure The various types of organization (unitary hierarchical, functional, divisional, matrix, project). Staff functions and line functions. The principle of hierarchy. The division of labour. Choosing the best structure. Organizational responses in the new environmental context. 3. The operational mechanisms Coordination and integration mechanisms. Vision, mission, planning, programming. The management of organizational conflicts. Process organization. Management and development of human resources. Evaluation mechanisms. Motivation mechanisms. Reward and sanction mechanisms. Control mechanisms. 4. The health production process Allocative efficiency and productive efficiency. Supply and demand in healthcare. The main variables. Economy of scale and scope. The main indicators. Social costs, integrated healthcare, pharmaceutical expenditure. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY - G. Costa, P. Gubitta, Corporate organization: markets, hierarchies and conventions, McGraw-Hill, Milan, 2008, Second Edition. - F. Isotta, Company organization. Design theories, models and techniques, Cedam 2004. - H. Tosi, M. Pilati, Organizational behavior, Milan, EGEA, 2008, Third Edition, February 2017. - P. Mckenna, D. Maister, First among equals: how to manage a group of professionals, The Free Press, NY, 2002. - H. Vogel, Entertainment Industry Economics, chapters I, III, IV and V, Cambridge University Press, 2007. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD ENRICO MAZZINO Ricevimento: Reception of students and / or undergraduates at the teacher's office c / o IRCCS Institute of hospitalization and scientific treatment G. Gaslini, Via G. Gaslini, 5 Genova - Pad. 17, 1 floor, or c/o DIMES / DINOGMI (UniGe) to be agreed by appointment to be requested via e-mail at the following addresses:, Exam Board ENRICO MAZZINO (President) SUSANNA MEZZAROBBA RICCARDO ZANELLA (President and Coordinator of Integrated Course) LESSONS LESSONS START The course is held in the second academic semester. Class schedule EVALUATION TECHNIQUES OF MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE IN HEALTH CONCERNS EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The exam is carried out in written form, with multiple choice questions and one or more open questions relating to all the topics that make up the program of the course. The exam takes place in the exam sessions indicated in the academic calendar, the relative dates are made known to students through Aulaweb. At least five days before each exam session, it is necessary to register. ASSESSMENT METHODS The exam is carried out in written form, with multiple choice questions and one or more open questions relating to all the topics that make up the course programme. For the first part of the exam (quiz) 20 points are awarded, for the second part (open question/s) 10 points, honors awarded in case of achievement of a score of 30/30 in the first two parts of the exam exam and with a very exhaustive and in-depth answer to the open question(s). The proposed questions are developed with the aim of evaluating the learning of basic knowledge relating to the topics covered in class, also verifying the ability to elaborate and re-elaborate specific topics proposed and discussed during the course of the lessons and Case Studies and/or additional readings covered during the course. FURTHER INFORMATION During the Course the Teacher will indicate the supports and any additional teaching aids useful for deepening the contents covered which will be simultaneously made available on Aulaweb.