CODE 72760 ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 CREDITS 2 cfu anno 2 SCIENZE RIABILITATIVE DELLE PROFESSIONI SANITARIE 9285 (LM/SNT2) - GENOVA LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 2° Semester MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: HEALTH MANAGEMENT TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW Customization of the service: responding to a subjective need and citizen satisfaction; Involvement of the user in the construction of the assistance response. Cooperation between different organizations for the same assistance goal. AIMS AND CONTENT AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES Attendance, active participation in the training activities offered by the course program, plus individual study, will enable the student to: Show knowledge and understanding of some aspects of the innovation process in health care driven by E-health ( digital health) Understand and develop new issues related to informatization in health systems and their implication in the clinical governance. Acquire vocabulary for identifying some of the main data exchange systems. Know how to identify and apply the most relevant digital health tools. Know how to analyze new opportunities for professional intervention by employing telemedicine strategies. TEACHING METHODS Teaching includes lectures and seminars for an amount of 16 hours. During training course theoretical contents will be presented and application activities, related to the contents, will be required. In his/ her personal work, the student should acquire the basic knowledge and be able to apply it in some practical situations. At the end of the lecture teacher will provide students with the slides used during the lessons and additional supporting materials to facilitate formulation of any clarification/deepening questions. Students with certified DSA, disability or other special educational needs are encouraged to contact lecturers at the beginning of the course to agree on teaching methods that, while respecting the teaching objectives, take into account individual learning patterns and provide suitable compensatory tools If in-person lecture is not possible, online teaching modes will be used in synchronous mode on a designated University platform. SYLLABUS/CONTENT Innovation in health care: e-HEALTH, digital health care. Informatization in health care systems. Data exchange in health information systems (hint). Tools and strategies for implementing e-health: The computerized electronic health record. The electronic health record (user management). Telemedicine and digital therapies (hints) RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Bibliography and linkography will be agreed upon with the students. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD SUSANNA MEZZAROBBA Ricevimento: Professor meets the student by appointment requested by e-mail : Exam Board ENRICO MAZZINO (President) SUSANNA MEZZAROBBA RICCARDO ZANELLA (President and Coordinator of Integrated Course) LESSONS Class schedule DIGITALIZED HEALTH SERVICES: PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Assessment will include practical tests in itinere and a final examination in written mode (Multiple Choice Question) ASSESSMENT METHODS Tests in itinere and the final exam will aim to ascertain: Knowledge about the basic concepts of the course Ability to understand some computerized systems Ability to apply e-health tools in organizing and managing the rehabilitation process Students with DSA or other regularly certified special educational needs will be able to agree with the professor on the written or oral mode of the examination, by contacting professors at least 10 days before the exam. They will also be able to take advantage of 30 % additional time FURTHER INFORMATION When a student is a certified DSA, it is required to contact the Referring Teacher of the DISABILITY and DSA Commission for DINOGMI: Prof. N. Girtler ( ) and evaluated the single case, he will send to the teachers the necessary directions both for lessons development and for modality of examination