CODE 86744 ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 CREDITS 6 cfu anno 1 BIOENGINEERING 11159 (LM-21) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR ING-INF/06 LANGUAGE English TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 1° Semester TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW The purpose of this course is to provide a perspective on robotic technologies applied to (and inspired by) themes of biomedical research and practice. Robotics is a multidisciplinary technology, with elements from computer, electrical and mechanical engineering and with an increasing spectrum of biomedical applications. These include basic research in sensory-motor systems, advanced surgical and diagnostic techniques, human machine interfaces, robots for assistance and rehabilitation. In addition to learning the contents of the course, students are required to engage in different activities, including software development and scientific discussions in the classroom, both individually and in groups. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The purpose of this course is to provide a perspective on robotics technologies applied to (and inspired by) themes of biomedical research and practice. Robotics is a multidisciplinary technology, with elements from computer, electrical and mechanical engineering and with an increasing spectrum of biomedical applications. The first part of the course is intended to provide a background of formal instruments for understanding control of biomedical robotic devices. The second part is devoted to in-depth analysis of specific applications. These include basic research in sensory-motor systems, advanced surgical and diagnostic techniques, human-machine interfaces, robots for assistance and rehabilitation, biomimetic robotics. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The purpose of this course is to provide a perspective on robotics technologies applied to (and inspired by) themes of biomedical research and practice. Robotics is a multidisciplinary domain, with elements from computer, electrical and mechanical engineering and with an increasing spectrum of biomedical applications. These include basic research in sensory-motor systems, advanced surgical and diagnostic techniques, human-machine interfaces, robots for assistance and rehabilitation. The course aims at reaching an appropriate balance between basic notions of robotics and applications. Students are requested to engage in a number of activities, including software development, lecturing and develop research projects, both individually and as teams. After completing this course the students will be able to: Identify and describe different types of medical robots and their potential applications Know basic concepts of kinematics, dynamics, and control relevant to robotics and more specifically to robots for clinical applications understand hardware components of robotic devices. Control robots with with biosignals Develop the analytical and experimental skills necessary to design and implement robotic assistance (or force fields) for different biomedical applications Be familiar with the state of the art in applied medical robotics and medical robotics research Understand the various roles that robotics can play in healthcare PREREQUISITES Mathematics Physics Control Theory TEACHING METHODS The course aims at reaching an appropriate balance between basic notions and applications. Students, in addition to being involved in lectures and discussions with invited experts for specific course topics, take part in a number of activities, including exercices, software development, learning how to control a robot,(if possible) lecturing ( or paper presentation), individually or in teams. The final assigment consists on the control of a haptic robot in the laboratory SYLLABUS/CONTENT The purpose of this course is to provide a perspective on robotic technologies applied to (and inspired by) themes of biomedical research and practice. The first part of the course aims to provide the formal tools to understand the kinematics, dynamics, control of biomedical robotic devices and their hardware and software components. The second part is devoted to in-depth analysis of the specific applications.The two parts into which the course is divided will be articulated as described below. Part 1. Foundations This will be a series of formal lectures involving the simulation applications The purpose of the lectures is to provide the student with a sufficient mathematical basis for focusing on specific applications Introduction, rigid motions, homogeneous transformations Direct kinematics and degrees of freedom Inverse kinematics Jacobian and singularities Dynamics and inverse dynamics Force and motion control 2. Applications Biological movement control, Human-machine interfaces (including sensory feedback) Surgery robotics, teleoperation, cooperative manipulation, robots for endoscopy Robots for biomedical research Rehabilitation Robotics Assistive robotics Biomimetic robotics soft robotics: biomedical applications RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Siciliano,Khatib, Springer Handbook of Robotics, Springer or Spong, M. W., Hutchison, S., and M. Vidyasagar. (2005) Robot Modeling and Control, Wiley & Sons. In addition, the class will review several specialized articles, readings will be distributed via the course website Additional material will be provide (aulaweb) TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD MAURA CASADIO Exam Board MAURA CASADIO (President) CAMILLA PIERELLA SERENA RICCI ANDREA CANESSA (President Substitute) LESSONS LESSONS START Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Students will be evaluated based on a) Assignements in which the students write and comment a computer simulation or a hardware project related to one of the robotics topics presented in the first part of the course b) Their active participation to the second part of the course, where students are request to present research articles on specific robotic applications and/or discuss with invited speakers (experts in the field). c) Final exam a and b are ongoing assessments (continous evaluation), while c is at the end of the course. Also for students not attending classes a and b precede the final exam (b can be part of the exam itself). ASSESSMENT METHODS The assessment methods here refers to the exams description above. a) The assigments aim at evaluating the ability to understand, explain and solve problems related to the topics of the first part of the course on basic concepts of robotics. b) The active participation part aims at evaluating the ability to learn, deepen and explain topics of the second part, related to robotic applications in the biomedical field. c) The final exam aims at assessing that the course contents have been assimilated, that the student knows how to use them critically and explain them appropriately. In addition to the knowledge of the course contents, the quality of the presentations, the correct use of the specialized vocabulary, the ability to reason critically and to apply the acquired knowledge in specific exercises will be assessed. Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 17/01/2024 13:20 GENOVA Esame su appuntamento con accettazione online 15/02/2024 09:00 GENOVA Esame su appuntamento 13/09/2024 09:00 GENOVA Esame su appuntamento Agenda 2030 - Sustainable Development Goals Good health and well being Reduce inequality