CODE 106730 ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 CREDITS 6 cfu anno 2 BIOENGINEERING 11159 (LM-21) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR ING-IND/34 LANGUAGE English TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 1° Semester TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW The teaching aims to provide the student with the necessary tools to understand the issues related to the fabrication and engineering of structures suitable for mimicking/replacement/regeneration of human body tissues. In particular, basic knowledge related to cell biology, stem cells, biocompatibility, cell culture techniques, and fabrication and engineering of advanced in vitro models will be provided. The main objective is to emphasize the importance of understanding biological phenomena at the cellular and tissue level to develop therapeutic strategies that can overcome the limitations of conventional therapies. The application examples that will be proposed will thus aim to stimulate and develop the student's skills in applying theoretical knowledge to the field of tissue engineering. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The course aims to provide knowledge on the fundamental and technological aspects related to tissue engineering and regenerative medicine with particular reference to cell biology, stem cells, biocompatibility, cell culture systems, innovative substrates for cell culture and advanced in vitro models. The main aim is underline the importance of understanding biological phenomena at the cellular and tissue level in order to develop therapeutic strategies that can overcome the limits of conventional therapies. The applicative examples, that will be proposed, will thus have the purpose of stimulating and developing the student's abilities in applying theoretical knowledge to the field of tissue engineering. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES Attendance, active participation and individual study will enable the student to: -know and be able to describe in depth the principles underlying tissue engineering and regenerative medicine; -be able to describe the principles of cell biology applied to bioengineering; -know the different chemical and physical properties of human tissues; -know the main mechanisms underlying tissue repair and regeneration; -apply the physicochemical properties of the extracellular matrix to the design and engineering of in vitro tissue models and cell substitutes. -know how to describe technologies for the fabrication and characterization of scaffolds. -identify the most suitable scaffolds for a specific application; -give examples of engineering applications in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. -Capability to communicate effectively in written and oral form, adaptation of one's communication to the context, use of various sources and aids, critical thinking, ability to use, process and evaluate information, argumentative skills. -Ability to manage one's social interactions, cooperative attitude, constructive communication in different environments, ability to respect others and their needs, willingness to overcome prejudices, express and understand different points of view, conflict management, ability to build trust, empathy. -Ability to develop one's imagination and creativity, critical reflection, thinking strategy, problem solving with particular reference to contexts of innovation and processes evolving creativity, ability to transform ideas into action, self-awareness PREREQUISITES Organic chemistry TEACHING METHODS The teaching consists of lectures and a theoretical-practical laboratory part. The laboratory will be taught by the lecturers in charge of the teaching. At the beginning of each laboratory activity there will be a brief theoretical introduction with the aim of providing the basic principles on which the techniques that will be used are based. SYLLABUS/CONTENT Eukaryotic animal cell The extracellular matrix Cell adhesion Stem cells Tissue types In vitro cell culture techniques and equipment Biomimetic surfaces Biomimetic biomaterials Biocompatibility definition and evaluation Bioreactors for tissue engineering RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Slide and other teaching materials will be provided TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD LAURA PASTORINO Ricevimento: In person or on Teams by appointment arranged by email with the lecturer. Exam Board LAURA PASTORINO (President) ALBERTO LAGAZZO DONATELLA DI LISA (President Substitute) LESSONS LESSONS START Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The examination consists of an oral test consisting of three main topics, one of which is the student's choice. ASSESSMENT METHODS The oral examination will cover the topics covered during the lectures and will aim to assess not only whether the student has achieved an adequate level of knowledge, but whether he or she has acquired the ability to critically analyze the engineering problems that will be posed during the examination. Agenda 2030 - Sustainable Development Goals Good health and well being OpenBadge PRO3 - Soft skills - Imparare a imparare avanzato 1 - A PRO3 - Soft skills - Personale avanzato 1 - A PRO3 - Soft skills - Alfabetica avanzato 1 - A