CODE 98458 ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 CREDITS 6 cfu anno 2 COMPUTER ENGINEERING 11160 (LM-32) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR ING-INF/04 LANGUAGE English TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 1° Semester TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW Smart systems incorporate functions of sensing, actuation, and control in order to describe and analyze a situation, and make decisions based on the available data in a predictive or adaptive manner, thereby performing smart actions. In most cases the “smartness” of the system can be attributed to autonomous operation based on closed loop control, energy efficiency, and networking capabilities. Smart systems typically consist of diverse components: Sensors for signal acquisition Elements transmitting the information to the command-and-control unit Command-and-control units that take decisions and give instructions based on the available information Components transmitting decisions and instructions Actuators that perform or trigger the required action ( AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The course aims at providing modeling and methodological approaches to sensing, actuation, and control in order to describe and analyze a system, and make decisions based on the available data in a distributed, predictive and/or adaptive manner, thereby performing “smart actions”. The student will approach such smart systems by studying proper models and methods in different applicative contexts, such as smart power grids, connected autonomous vehicles and platooning, energy efficient buildings, distributed logistics, and environmental monitoring. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES AIMS: make the student aware of control and systems modelling techniques which can now be applied through the availability of networks of smart sensors, such as the ones based on Internet of Things. LEARNING OUTCOMES: technical and methdological skills in the design of a smart system with the possibility to control it according to Model PRective Control, Robust Control, and Distributed Control approaches. PREREQUISITES basic control and systems modelling techniques in Matlab and Simulink TEACHING METHODS Project and oral interview SYLLABUS/CONTENT Introduction to complex systems Networked and smart systems Complex Systems Design Overview Strategic, tactical, and operational decision making Control of a complex system Modelling predictive control (MPC) Feedback systems Receding horizon Linear predictive control MPC vs Linear Quadratic Control Dual decomposition Minimax team decision problems Generalised linear quadratic control Applications: energy efficient buildings, smart greenhouses, vehicle platooning, smart power grids. Strategic and tactical decisions Risk based routing in a network: averse beahaviour and fuzzy objectives Vehicle routing versus inventory routing problems Applications: transport of dangerous goods Reliability, Availbility, Maintenance, and Safety of a complex system RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Different authors Videos and papers at A. Bemporad, W.P.M.H. Heemels, and M. Johansson (Eds.), Networked Control Systems, vol. 406 of Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2010 ISBN 978-0-85729-033-5 C. Bersani, R. Sacile Trasporto di merci pericolose su strada: Valutazione del rischio e caso di studio Edizioni Accademiche Italiane, 2018 ISBN 978-620-2-08697-4 T. Nowakowski, et al. Safety and Reliability: Methodology and Applications CRC Press, 2014. ISBN 9781138026810 A. Rantzer Dynamic Dual Decomposition for Distributed Control 2009 American Control Conference H. Dagdougui and R. Sacile Decentralized Control of the Power Flows in a Network of Smart Microgrids Modeled as a Team of Cooperative Agents Ieee Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2014 A. Gattami et al. Robust Team Decision Theory Ieee Transactions on Automatic Control, 2012 A. Gattami Generalized Linear Quadratic Control Ieee Transactions on Automatic Control, 2010 C. Bersani et al. Distributed Product Flow Control in a Network of Inventories With Stochastic Production and Demand IEEE Access, 2019 L. Zero et al. Two new approaches for the bi-objective shortest path with a fuzzy objective applied to HAZMAT transportation Journal of hazardous materials, 2019 C. Bersani et al. Distributed robust control of the power flows in a team of cooperating microgrids IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2016 Students with learning disorders ("disturbi specifici di apprendimento", DSA) will be allowed to use specific modalities and supports that will be determined on a case-by-case basis in agreement with the delegate of the Engineering courses in the Committee for the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD ROBERTO SACILE Ricevimento: Contacts: Prof. Roberto Sacile, PhD c/o DIBRIS – University of Genova Polytechnic School via Opera Pia 13 16145 Genova, Italy Mob. +393281003228 Skype live:roberto.sacile_1 H323 Scopus Author ID: 56250207700 Exam Board ROBERTO SACILE (President) ENRICO ZERO MICHELE AICARDI (President Substitute) LESSONS LESSONS START Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The exam is based on the design and implementation of a smart system, generally in Matlab/Simulink environment. This project will be discussed in an interview, where other contents of the course will also be asked. ASSESSMENT METHODS During the interview, the student must show to have the ability to modify the project according to different specifications given. In addition, he/she must show to have a clear view of the other methdological and technological content of the course Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 17/01/2024 11:00 GENOVA Orale 02/02/2024 11:00 GENOVA Orale 06/06/2024 11:00 GENOVA Orale 20/06/2024 11:00 GENOVA Orale 15/07/2024 11:00 GENOVA Orale 02/09/2024 11:00 GENOVA Orale