CODE 73206 ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 CREDITS 4 cfu anno 2 SCIENZE STORICHE 9917 (LM-84) - GENOVA 4 cfu anno 1 SCIENZE STORICHE 9917 (LM-84) - GENOVA LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW The Other activities allow students to broaden their horizon and integrate the acquisition of additional knowledge and skills into disciplinary learning, useful for training and for entering the world of work. Two of the four credits designated for other knowledge must be obtained by passing a B2 level assessment test in a foreign language chosen by the student from the list of French, Spanish, German, and English. Exemptions are planned for those who present valid level B2 or higher certification. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES "Other activities" are planned to allow students to experience the external world, in order to encourage the contacts between the formative and professional world. By attending seminars, conferences, workshops and partaking in internships at public or private institutions, students can deepen the knowledge useful for the integration in the job market. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES Depending on the student’s free choice, participation in Further activities will allow: to acquire transversal and broad knowledge with respect to the training course (participation in conferences, seminars, etc.) to acquire extra-curricular skills and competences (participation in workshops) to acquire skills and abilities in the field of foreign languages. to acquire skills and abilities in the IT field. EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The student must submit to the Further Credits Commission at least three months before the thesis discussion, the documentation attesting the skills acquired and / or the activities carried out and their duration. The student must also declare that they have not previously used the activity carried out to request the attribution of CFU. The forms are available on the Course website. ASSESSMENT METHODS A commission of professors appointed by the Degree Course will assess the congruence and correspondence in credits of the certified training activity. The referent teacher for this procedure is prof. Sandra Macchiavello. Activities that have already been recognized for the purpose of awarding university training credits as part of first-level courses cannot be recognized as training credits again during the master's degree program. The Degree Course Council may also recognize adequate certified (maximum 2 CFUs) periods of study abroad at universities as useful knowledge for entering the workforce. FURTHER INFORMATION Credits relating to other activities can be included, at the student's discretion, in the 1st or 2nd year study plan. Credits can only be recorded on condition that the corresponding code has been entered in the study plan. The Commission in charge of the recognition of other credits is composed of: prof.ssa Sandra Macchiavello ( prof.ssa Fulvia Zega (